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Position:Home>History> What was the legacy of the civil war?

Question: What was the legacy of the civil war!?
This is for my history final, and I would appreciate any help:DWww@QuestionHome@Com

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The Constitution was adopted in 1788, but one of the questions the framers of it left unresolved was whether the Federal government was dominant, or were the individual state governments the most important, with the National government expected only to coordinate defense, make treaties with other nations, and deliver the mail!. People generally felt their primary allegiance to their state!. Lee said, on resigning after more than 30 years in the US Army, that he could not draw his sword against his country, meaning Virginia!. The 10th Amendment in the Bill of Rights says that powers not expressly granted to the Federal government in the Constitution are reserved to the States!. As a result of the Civil War the 10th Amendment is pretty much a dead letter today, because the result of the Civil War was to give America a much more powerful central government than it had ever had before, and to assure its dominance over the states!. In his first inaugural address Lincoln mentioned preserving "the Union" many times!. Four years later in his second inaugural Lincoln spoke of a "nation", and mentioned "the Union" not at all!. He saw that the war had turned America from a fairly loose coalition of associated states into one, by God, INDIVISIBLE nation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the one that I can think of, and the one that I feel most strongly, as I experience it in my everyday life, is that people think that with the restoration of the union, northerners and southerners were suddenly one again!. But I can tell you that sometimes that is not the case!. Southern nationalism is a strong force in many areas of the South!. Some people consider themselves "Southern-Americans" before they do Americans!. As Southerners we are a unique group of people that had a unique (although morally wrong) way of life, that laid-back, easygoing, careless mentality that makes us different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

According to the great historian Shelby Foote, it was that it went from "The United States are!.!.!." to "The United States is!.!.!."

In other words, it established that the United States was one nation!. Of course, it also ended slavery in the United States, once and for all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a united country where the Federal Government has more power than the individual States, an end to slavery along with a precedent that the President can assert more authority in war time than in peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The preservation of the union, the end of slavery, and the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendmentsWww@QuestionHome@Com

The L!.A!. Riots ad nauseum!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Abraham loncoln wanted to "preserve the union" {keep america as one whole country not a divided country}Www@QuestionHome@Com