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Position:Home>History> Will the turmoil in the middle east ever end?

Question: Will the turmoil in the middle east ever end!?
Im not talking about the "War in Iraq" or any modern thing like that!.

The middle east has been killing, and destroying itself for a good 6,000 or so years!.

All the way back to Babylonia and further!.

Will it ever end!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Huh!? Over six thousand years!? What's so special about the middle east for having 'turmoil' over that sort of period!?
In all that time, there have been prolonged periods of peace, while turmoil took place in other parts of the world 1517-1917 the Middle East more or less slumbered under Ottoman rule - a period in Europe which produced the wars of religion, the wars of imperial rivalry, the French Revolution, national unification, and various combinations of the above!.
Learn a bit of history!. Get the big picture!.
I've read your rejoinder, and I still think you're 'somehow mistaken' (polite language')!. Look at the Middle East 1-628 AD - as much time as separates you from the year 1380!. For most of the time, the area was divided between two great states, the Roman Empire and the Parthians, later the Sassanian Persians, In this time there was:
fighting in the 40s-50s
Jewish Rebellion 66-73;
fighting 110-117
another Jewish rebellion 134-6 or so;
fighting 195 or so I think
again 215-7
again 228-35
again 260-73
again 295-300
again 350-63
well there were one or two wars after that before the big war that started c!. 610 and lasted till 628!. But this is normal in human history!. Europe can show at least as much in the last 600 years!. It's just ordinary human nature, the same the world over!.
Then again, let's look at this 'turmoil' as you call it!. Most of the conflict has been localised!. The Arab-Israeli clashes have produced in all less than 100,000 dead - a mere detail compared with the two World Wars!. I don't see turmoil; I see deadlock!. It is of course in the interests of both Arabs and Israelis to keep pretending the whole thing will explode in a cataclysm, because that keeps Amerca pumping money into them!. You have swallowed this propaganda it seems!.
If these figures teach you anything, they should show that if the states are smaller, there are more but smaller wars!. If the states are larger, eg the Roman Empire, the wars are rarer but larger!.
Get a sense of perspective, my friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I expect the turmoil in the East will end probably in your lifetime!. You know there was a time when I was much younger when they never thought the bombings and shootings between the Catholics and the Protestants in Ireland would end!.It had gone on for centuries!. I used to think it wouldn't but it did!. It just takes enough people who are fed up to stand up and say no more!. I think that is what is coming now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When a) the borders are redrawn so people who hate each other aren't stuck in a country b) They learn more ethics (talking about the crazy fundis who kill those who don't believe in what they do) c) the hate stops!.

When all that's accomplished it will start to be more peaceful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope, there will be the occassional lull in the conflict but as for it ending entirely-probably not!. What we are seeing is the latest act in play thousands of years old and we're no where near the finale!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably not!. They've been going at each other for several millenia now!. Perhaps it has something to do with the weather!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

War is etenal, peace is fleeting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not as long as there is a religion to keep it goingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I doupt it!.God himself will have to step in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope neverWww@QuestionHome@Com