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Position:Home>History> Who were the radical republicans and why were they important?

Question: Who were the radical republicans and why were they important!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Radical Republicans were a group of Republicans in Congress led by Thaddeus Stevens who were primarily responsible for Reconstruction!. They're important because they were the ones who really pushed the post-Civil War amendments across that abolished slavery and allowed (at least nominally) for black enfranchisement!. They were way ahead of their time in that regards!.!.!. similar legislation wouldn't be passed until another 100 years later!.

They wanted to punish the South for the Civil War, and really was about to butt heads with Lincoln over this before Lincoln was assassinated!. Most important in their minds was an assertion of loyalty to the United States from the south (requiring oath of loyalty from over 50% of southerners) and acceptance of abolition of slavery!. In Lincoln's place was Andrew Johnson, a southerner from Tennessee who never stood a chance!. Their confrontation reached a head in Johnson's impeachment trial!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

radical republicans were a group of republicans during the reconstruction period right after the civil war who pushed for rights for the then newly freed slaves!.
i think they also pushed the 14th and 15th amendments and got it passed!. also i think they tried to impeach president johnson but im not sure about tht one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lincoln = made the car
Reagan = made it trickle downWww@QuestionHome@Com