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Position:Home>History> Can you tell me the story when the philippines was attacked by japanese during W

Question: Can you tell me the story when the philippines was attacked by japanese during World War II!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Japanese viewed all the lands of Asia to be the rightful property of the Imperial Japanese Government and the Emperor!. The land invasion into Korea, China and parts of Russia which had begun at the turn of the 20th century had been taking an upswing!. However, the Japanese had been kept from realizing their goal of unify or dominating the Asian lands by the presence of military foreign military forces in the Philippines (United States), Hong Kong, Malaysia (United Kingdom), and the Dutch East Indies!. Japan had hoped that they could strike fast and hold off reinforcements long enough to broker a peace accord from a position of strength such as they did during the Russo Japanese War!.

Central to the Japanese goals was taking of all Asian lands, however, to be successful US, UK, and Dutch forces were to be attacked simultaneously to prevent their ability to reinforce and aid their Asian possessions!. Pivotal to the Japanese decision to attack was a tremendous need for crude oil as a result of economic sanctions imposed by the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands were weakening the Japanese economy!. The leaders of Japrcean were faced with a choice: End the war in China and their plans for Asian conquest, so as to end the sanctions, or declare war on three large military forces!. The current war against Britain, and Holland, and the strain of providing aid by the United States to these countries was seen as an opportunity by the Japanese to extend their "rightful" place as a ruler of Asia!.

The Japanese government decided to seize resources under the control of Britain, the United States and the Netherlands!. Japan had already placed over ten divisions in Formosa (Taiwan), which was once part of the Philippines!. Japanese military planners argued that the British (and the USSR should they decide to declare war) would be unable to effectively respond to a Japanese attack, given the threat posed by the Third Reich!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

exactly 8 December 1941
It's won by Japan in 8 May 1942!.

but after MacArthur says, " I will return", soon after US can liberate Philippines!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Continuing on from girlie, the Phillippines was also a major American naval base in the region; it was instrumental to Japanese victory for that threat to be removed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The attack on the Philippines started on December 8, 1941 ten hours after the attack on Pearl Harbour in Hawaii!.Www@QuestionHome@Com