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Position:Home>History> Why europeans were so cruel?

Question: Why europeans were so cruel!?
They decided to colonise and conquer the world!.
The other thing is that they killed natives and destroy their culture!.
They get weak in world war 2!. Thats why they left many colonies!.
They slaughtered and killed black people!. Is this related to superiority!.
But for God we all are same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1) Because up untill the 1600s they didn't contribute to civilization so they wanted to prove themselves!.

2) The natives gave as good as they got!.

3) !?!?!?

4) The whole world slaughteres other people!. At the time of Ghengis Khan, the Mongols slaughtered like 20 million Euro-Russians in the Balkans!.

Black people are actually really smart!. If you look at the North ative Americans, you'll see that they didn't contribute to civilization, but the Southern Americans made VERY complex innovations such as the concept of zero, (known only to the Muslim at the time in the 'old' world) bronze, and figuring out the concept of time WAY b4 the Banu Musa or Einstein ever did!.

The only variable here is cocaine!. Meaning, I think black people (native americans are actually somewhat related to black people) lack a gene for ambition, coz, when they get mixed like the advent of the Egyptians or Persians, the hybrid become VERY smart!. also, some african american in the U!.S!. figured out the how to translate nuclear energy to power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yea I think this is related to superiority!.!.!. and racism; not to mention, of course, PROFIT!. Everybody's in it for the money!. The Europeans were not terribly cruel, not most of the time at least, but they achieved a rep for being "evil" due to their pursuit of cold hard cash any way they could!.

also they had a sort of superiority mindset, due to the fact that they were devout christians and believed that their religion set them apart from supposedly inferior natives, who had pagan traditions, ie worshipped idols, multiple gods, etc!.

I am talking about past Europeans of course, today, the situation has hopefully gotten better and we are on a more equal standing with them!. And the rest of the world!.

And before you diss me for being so "pro-European", let me tell you, I'm Indonesian and my country was colonized by the Dutch!.

(I agree with overreader44, they didn't invent this behaviour, but they sure did get notorious for it!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Europeans didn't invent this kind of behavior!. Unfortunately, if you study more world history, you will learn that most human societies and cultures have problems with abusing power!. We know more about the European experience because it is recent and well-documented, but you can find similar references even in the Bible, for example!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What a generalization!. What about the Chinese, Japanese, Maya, Inca, Aztec, Persians, Mongols and on and on and on!.!.!.!.!.I agree with another response that European expansion is just the most recent and best documented!. Whenever in history a civilization gets an upperhand on another, they use that upperhand to conquer the weaker ones!. It has nothing to do with European v!. African/Native American/Indian!. It has everything to do with a cycle repeating itself constantly throughout world history!. And don't think we live in some civilized world where things like that don't happen any more!. It will continue until the world ends whenever that will be!. Man has an ambition for power that will never cease to exist, no matter what their race is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not all Europeans colonized other continents, you look at historic maps you will see that!. problem with cruelty and killing lies in academic circles of that time, since they thought that other races and cultures are less human!. that you see if you read a bit on history of western anthropology!. and i think its only origins are greed, cheap resources for new industry, beginnings of mass-production!. economy rules this worldWww@QuestionHome@Com

Cruelty appears to be an intrinsic human trait!. We like to be in denial about it!.!. using the term 'inhuman' but it is very human!.

We probably learned the violence of cruelty when we learned to be ruthless in order to survive!. The behaviour of cruelty though!.!. the intentional causing of distress to others!.!. that is new!.!.!. that required so-called civilisation and the quest for power and religious dominance!. In Europe, obscenely cruel religious intolerance by the Roman Catholic church in the form of the Inquisition must take first prize!. However, today we are faced with almost global Islamic extremist terrorism which delights in mental and physical cruelty!. Until Spanish colonisation, the Mayans, Aztecs and others sacrificed their own people!. Ghengis Kahn from East Asia was probably the pre-eminant cruel individual of all time!. In the 20th Century, Hitler and Pol Pot re-wrote the rule book of cruelty and right now, Robert Mugabe (a black man who is torturing and murdering his own people, adults and children alike) is trying for a new edition!.

Sorry!.!.!. but murder, torture and rape are in no way restricted to Europe, nor have they ever been!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You most assuredly are another product of the Public School System that didn't read anything in addition to your schoolbooks!.

Genghis Khan was not European and he conquered most of Southern Asia!. Shaka Zulu was not European and he conquered a LOT of Southern Africa!. The Moslems were not European and they conquered AND ENSLAVED Northern Africa, the Middle East, South Eastern and South Western Europe!. The Aztecs were not European and they conquered so much of Central American and Mexico that the tribes they enslaved actually helped the Spanish conquer them!. BUT the only thing that YOU see is "the evil white man"!. I'll bet you think that we own weapons and religion because are all upset about something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

europeans just got there first!. in the past these things have been done to europeans as well, they are no different to any people in the world!. anyway europeans are not a single homogenous group!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its more complex than that!. ALOT more complex!.Www@QuestionHome@Com