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Position:Home>History> What happened ~ 4.000 BC and before?

Question: What happened ~ 4!.000 BC and before!?
I'm going to the library (university) tomorrow,
looking for textbooks / articles / thesis / etc!.
about what happened from ~5!.000!.000 BC to ~4!.000 BC!.

I'm looking for anything that ***RELATES TO*** homo sapiens / neanderthalensis / erectus / habilis or australopithecus africanus, or any other "apes" etc!.!.!. and their "culture" / knowledge / skills / religion / whatever!.!.!.

Do you know a factual good up-to-date book!?

Do you know someone working in this field (who maybe puslished something)!?

(or do you think I shouldn't have any problems finding good literature about such a vague topic!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The site below offers a fairly comprehensive list of books that deal with early man/primitive societies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

topic will be pretty limited like primitive man discovers rock!. And that will do for several generations until some other discovers 2 rock and a stick!. Thesis paper is gonna be slim!.Www@QuestionHome@Com