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Position:Home>History> Tell me about Rome and Romans during the rule of Julius Caesar?

Question: Tell me about Rome and Romans during the rule of Julius Caesar!?
related to literatureWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
a long time ago, Rome was ruled by the etruscans!. the etruscans were pretty harsh on the romans which they disliked!. when the Romsn overthrew the etruscans, they built up a republic where the people would rulethemselves, with 2 consuls, which were the voted officials that ruled together!. this way, rulers wouldnt go too far and become overpowerful lyk the etruscans!. this whole Republic thing was going well until Julius Ceasar came along!. Ceasar was the leader of an army, and did a great job in conquering places, so the people lyked him!. when he returned to Rome, people made him a dictator!. usually, dictators r only appointed when 2 consuls diagreed with each other in an emergency, and they rule only for 6 months!. however, Caesar ruled for 5 years, and he wanted to be dictator for lyf, and the people thought he was overdoing it, and becoming like the etruscans(which they hated) so they killed him!.

well for the people, they were pretty satisfied during his rule!. there was the plebians, the rich, wealthy ppl, and plebians, the commoners!. well yea, the patricians lived happily!. but the plebians lived in crappy apartments with no water system, no bathroom, and no kitchen!. however, caesar gave them free entertainment (in the colleseum or circusses where there were gladiator fights and dancing clowns and stuff lyk tt) and food to keep them satisfied and happy with him!. and families with more than 3 children could have more property and certain privleges and stuff lyk tt!. this was because caesar wanted upper classes to increase the size of their families and continue their family names!. families in Rome valued happy familied and love and all that stuff!.

hope this stuff is useful!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get a copy of "THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE" and copy it for your assignment!.!.!. because there is NO WAY I am going to copy that 1500 plus page BOOK here on Answers!.

For that matter!.!.!. why do you people ask these very involved questions here on Answers when you should be GOOGLING for an answer!? A google on Julius Caesar will bring up several MILLION hits!.!.!. and that is a much more complete reply than a one paragraph answer here on YahooWww@QuestionHome@Com

then why are you asking this in history section and not literature!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah right, so you get an A for this essay without a work ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah you'll get a sa without workWww@QuestionHome@Com