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Position:Home>History> Australia in WW2???

Question: Australia in WW2!?!?!?
Can you please explain the reasons for Australia's involvement in World War 2!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Actually, contrary to popular belief, Australia was an independant nation by then and was not obligated to help Britain in any way!. The birth of Australian nationhood during World War I further increased the divide between Australia and Britain!.

However, there were of course very strong historical and cultural ties linking the two nations!. Australia did not even have it's own foreign department, such was the trust it had in Britain!. In fact, Australia was the second nation to declare war on Germany, following Britain's declaration!. Australia felt it was necessary to help defend Britain once again!. This time, there were no cheering crowds, no jubilation!. Just a quiet sense of setting things right!.

The threat from Japan did not come till much later!. Japan, early on, was regarded as a second-rate foe who was no real danger!. When it became apparent how strong Japan really was, Australia turned to the United States for support, marking a change in Australian foreign policy to this day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Two reasons!.!.!.

First, it was involved in the war in Europe because it was a member of the British Commonwealth and required by treaty to join Britain in war!.

As an additional impetus for the Pacific War, Australia was threatened by Japan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a member of the British Empire Australia was obligated to follow in the footsteps of Mother Britain plus Australia was threatened by Japanese aggression in the Pacific!. And who can keep an Aussie out of a fight!
