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Position:Home>History> What was the role of the church in 1200 - 1660 in europe? how did it change over

Question: What was the role of the church in 1200 - 1660 in europe!? how did it change over this time!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In the beginning that time period the Catholic Church was at its peak!. All rulers of Europe answered to the Pope!. The Pope was the most powerful entity in Europe, with only the Holy Roman Emperor coming close to his power!. Excommunitcation was a powerful tool/threat to keep kings and princes under the control of the Papal State!. As the centuries past the church began to lose power!. With the rise of Protestants the church began to lose power!. There was an alternative to the Catholic Church!. Rulers began to excommunicate themselves!. Generally, nations closer to Rome and the Pope, such as France, Spain, and Austria tended to stay catholic!. Farther away nations, such as England and the Scandinavian countries became Protestant!. The various German countries were split 50/50 Catholic and Protestant!. The power of the Catholic Church declined, although it was still powerful!. And Mr!. Floppy, you are ignorant and racist!. Screw you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of the amazing facts of history is how within only a few hundred years after the birth of the church on the day of Pentecost, the church had spread so thoroughly through the Roman Empire!.

Up through the AD 300s, because the early church was a minority group and was persecuted by the Roman Empire it focused on the FUTURE hope and realities of the Kingdom of God!. The early church had a strong emphasis on heaven over earth!.

The early church had a positive view of Christian maryrdom, and a PASSIVE approach toward earthly cultural transformation!. The church saw itself simply as PILGRIMS on earth, not BUILDERS of the kingdom of God on earth!. However, this all changed with the emergence of the official Roman Church!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Starting in 1200 You would see Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches dominating the religious landscape of Europe!. As you get in to the later centuries!. Protestant thought begins to spread primarily into Northern Europe!. The Catholic Church starts to lose its hold on the whole of Europe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Catholics in particular got much better at torturing their opponents to death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com