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Position:Home>History> Australia in World War 2?

Question: Australia in World War 2!?
Can you identify the places where Australians fought in World War 2!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In World War II, the Second AIF followed in the footsteps of the First, and was sent to the Middle East!.

There, the Sixth and Ninth Divisions fought through Libya, at places such as Tobruk (the famous siege lasted 7 months), El Alamein, and Bardia!. They were then moved to Greece, to fight against the German invasion there!. They retreated to the island of Crete, which was also invaded!. The Second AIF was forced to retreat back to Egypt!. These divisions were then brought back home to prepare for the Japanese offensives through South Asia!. Australian troops fought in Malaysia, Singapore, and of course, Papua New Guinea (Kokoda, anyone!?)!. Australian troops then participated in mop-up operations in places such as New Caledonia and Bougainville!.

Australian pilots flew in the Middle East, and also in Europe, during the Battle of Britain, and also in the bomber offensives over Europe!.

Australian ships were active in the Mediterrenean, where the cruiser HMAS Sydney sunk an Italian destroyer!. Australian ships were instrumental in supplying Tobruk when it was besieged!. Australian ships also fought in the Pacific, such as the famous night action by the HMAS Hobart!. also provided covering fire during many American island landings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in europe (france, galipolli)
in pacific (darwin, papua new guinea, the coral sea, the indian ocean, the pacific ocean) just to name a few places!

google it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

both in Europe and in the Pacific!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they charged more for kangaroosWww@QuestionHome@Com