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Position:Home>History> Why is the black dahlia crime so famous?

Question: Why is the black dahlia crime so famous!?
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Eight Reasons

1!. Elizabeth Short's murder was especially gruesome and sensational!. Her body was severed--cut in half and drained of blood!. Feces were stuffed into her vagina!. At the time of the killing the murdered taunted the police by sending artefacts to local newspapers!.

2!. He story has quintessentially American elements!. Elizabeth Short was trying for an American Dream, naively attempting to follow an archetypical American story where a poor girl goes to Hollywood and is "discovered," like Lana Turner!. Her background is mythic, but her end was sordid!. It's _The Great Gatsby_ in less noble scale!.

3!. Short is a sympathetic figure: child of divorced parents, impoverished, eking out a poor existence in California!.

4!. There were a number of plausible suspects, none of whom was ever charged so the case has the elements of an intriguing whodunit!. Red Manley!? John Wilson Anderson!?

5!. On the fringes and at the center of Hollywood society are the famous and semi-famous, and her case basks in some reflected fame: Edward G!. Robinson, Man Ray, etc!. A book about her murder makes coincidental comparisons to surrealistic art, some of which has a high sexual charge and more than a tinge of the outre!.

6!. Short was (reportedly) beautiful so her death seems especially touching!. She mythologized herself as the Black Dahlia!. Cf!. the Chandler film _The Blue Dahlia!._

7!. 1-6 Now the story is self-perpetuating, so that several books (Pacios, Wolfe, Gilmore, Hodel) have been written anent!. Fame breeds fame!. The was a movie and her story was the basis of a James Ellroy novel!. There are websites!.

8!. The case is bathed in nostalgia so appeals to buffs of film noir and the 1940's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it was a "Hollywood" crime, is unsolved, and involved famous people with influence it seems like every year there is a new television production about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because she was becoming famous and then the way they found her body was horrificWww@QuestionHome@Com

'Cause she was cut in half and she was very attractive and it was Hollywood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cuz it was a crimeWww@QuestionHome@Com