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Position:Home>History> Explain the night of the broken glass?

Question: Explain the night of the broken glass!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That was the night that the Nazis broke the windows of Jews!.

"During Crystal Night over 7,500 Jewish shops were destroyed and 400 synagogues were burnt down!. Ninety-one Jews were killed and an estimated 20,000 were sent to concentration camps!. Up until this time these camps had been mainly for political prisoners!. The only people who were punished for the crimes committed on Crystal Night were members of the Sturm Abteilung (SA) who had raped Jewish women (they had broken the Nuremberg Laws on sexual intercourse between Aryans and Jews)!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

In their hearts their souls the NAZIS were thugs!. Out & Out Bullies!. Among the worst was Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels a horrid man, despite being 'straight,' Josef had a fervent man crush on Adolf Hitler and was always looking for ways to please Hitler!. When a Jewish refugee in Paris murdered a Nazi embassy official, the man dying on November 9 1938, Goebbels orchestrated gangs of Nazi thugs who terrorized Jewish neighborhoods on November 9 and 10!. Their targets were the department stores & businesses owned by Jews, hence the term Kristalnacht, Night of Broken Glass for the large store windows smashed by the punks, and burned down 101 Synagogues!. Goebbels orchestrated the event, using German Radio to publicize the evnt, slanting the news so that Germans were told that the Jews had incited the riots, deserved what they got, and then Goebbels used the riots as a pretence for jailing and fining the Jews!. A few a very few Germans were appaled by these actions, most Germans rejoiced, enjoying the sight of synagogues burning and their fellow citizens being brutally beaten in the streets and listening with lurid fascination to tales of Jewish women being raped!. Kristalnacht made it clear that Jews were no longer welcome in Germany and that things would only get worse!. Millions of CHRISTIAN Germans rejoiced!
A link and a mere snippet of a longer informative article!.
""The assassination provided Goebbels, Hitler's Chief of Propaganda, with the excuse he needed to launch a pogrom against German Jews!. Grynszpan's attack was interpreted by Goebbels as a conspiratorial attack by "International Jewry" against the Reich and, symbolically, against the Fuehrer himself!. This pogrom has come to be called Kristallnacht, "the Night of Broken Glass!."

On the nights of November 9 and 10, gangs of Nazi youth roamed through Jewish neighborhoods breaking windows of Jewish businesses and homes, burning synagogues and looting!. In all 101 synagogues were destroyed and almost 7,500 Jewish businesses were destroyed!. 26,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps, Jews were physically attacked and beaten and 91 died (Snyder, Louis L!. Encyclopedia of the Third Reich!. New York: Paragon House, 1989:201)!.

The official German position on these events, which were clearly orchestrated by Goebbels, was that they were spontaneous outbursts!. The Fuehrer, Goebbels reported to Party officials in Munich, "has decided that such demonstrations are not to be prepared or organized by the party, but so far as they originate spontaneously, they are not to be discouraged either!." (Conot, Robert E!. Justice at Nuremberg!. New York: Harper & Row, 1983:165)

Three days later, on November 12, Goering called a meeting of the top Nazi leadership to assess the damage done during the night and place responsibility for it!. Present at the meeting were Goering, Goebbels, Reinhard Heydrich, Walter Funk and other ranking Nazi officials!. The intent of this meeting was two-fold: to make the Jews responsible for Kristallnacht and to use the events of the preceding days as a rationale for promulgating a series of antisemitic laws which would, in effect, remove Jews from the German economy!. An interpretive transcript of this meeting is provided by Robert Conot, Justice at Nuremberg, New York: Harper and Row, 1983:164-172):

`Gentlemen! Today's meeting is of a decisive nature,' Goering announced!. `I have received a letter written on the Fuehrer's orders requesting that the Jewish question be now, once and for all, coordinated and solved one way or another!.'
`Since the problem is mainly an economic one, it is from the economic angle it shall have to be tackled!. Because, gentlemen, I have had enough of these demonstrations! They don't harm the Jew but me, who is the final authority for coordinating the German economy!. `If today a Jewish shop is destroyed, if goods are thrown into the street, the insurance companies will pay for the damages; and, furthermore, consumer goods belonging to the people are destroyed!. If in the future, demonstrations which are necessary occur, then, I pray, that they be directed so as not to hurt us!.

`Because it's insane to clean out and burn a Jewish warehouse, then have a German insurance company make good the loss!. And the goods which I need desperately, whole bales of clothing and whatnot, are being burned!. And I miss them everywhere!. I may as well burn the raw materials before they arrive!.

`I should not want to leave any doubt, gentlemen, as to the aim of today's meeting!. We have not come together merely to talk again, but to make decisions, and I implore competent agencies to take all measures for the elimination of the Jew from the German economy, and to submit them to me!.'

It was decided at the meeting that, since Jews were to blame for these events, they be held legally and financially responsible for the damages incurred by the pogrom!. Accordingly, a "fine of 1 billion marks was levied for the slaying of Vom Rath, and 6 million marks paid by insurance companies for broken windows was to be given to the state coffers!. (Snyder, Louis L!. Encyclopedia of the Third Reich!. New York: Paragon House, 1989:201)!.

Kristallnacht turns out to be a crucial turning point in German policy regarding the Jews and may be considered as the actual beginning of what is now called the Holocaust!.""

