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Position:Home>History> Another Holocaust?

Question: Another Holocaust!?
Is there another nation in the world exhibiting signs that another holocaust is on the horizon (or is already happening)!? How can this be PARALLELED to the Jewish holocaust during the second world war!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The holocaust was motivated by racist doctrines and the will to perfect the human race!. We see all around us, in almost all nations the will to make researches with embryonic steam cells, to abort the handicapped, to select embryos to perfect the human race!.

What is this millions of babes deaths annually if not another holocaust!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Darfur right now could be a parallel today!. In the 1990s, Bosnia was definitely a parallel too when Serbia tried to kill as many people as they possibly could!. You could also say Rwanda in 1995 was very much a holocaust!. The numbers in both Bosnia and Rwanda are not on the level of WW II, but Darfur probably could if left unchecked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, well i watched this on the news last night a holocaust in philadilphia i think it was philadilphia they had another shooting up north!. Or perhaps you mean that since people didnt like jews then, they dont like them today!. Ya know what there most definetly be another war if you include the second world warWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes, there is, the darfur genocide in darfur, sudan!. also many other regions in africa are having conflicts!. they're parallel because they're both genocides and they both involve innocent civilians being killed due to ignorance and hatred of others who think they're better than the other people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com