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Position:Home>History> What was the caust of Antisemitism prior to the Holocaust?

Question: What was the caust of Antisemitism prior to the Holocaust!?
What was behind the antisemitism prior to the Holocaust!? I understand the idea of leibensraum, and needing the goods they had control of, but what motivated the antisemitism prior to this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For centuries Jews were considered "Christ killers" by the Christian world which led to much persecution, the Inquisition, pogroms, burning of synagogues,books, Torahs, the Holocaust, the Ku Klux Klan, et al!. However, amidst all this turmoil few Christians understood that above all else that Jesus Christ was first and foremost a Jew!.

Martin Luther railed against the Jews after they rejected Christ and, as a result, he wrote treatise after treatise advocating their destruction!. Methods he suggested included burning them alive after locking them in their synagogues, destroying the Torahs, driving them out of their homes, etc!. This would provide the impetus for the Holocaust 5 centuries later!.

It wasn't until 1879 when a German newspaper editor, Wilhem Marr, coined the phrase anti-semitism!. That's when the notion of a Jewish race was promulgated throughout Germany and eventually all of Europe!. In the past Judaism was considered to be only a religion that under significant pressure, such as the Inquisition, could be changed if needed!. I would like to add that many of those who converted to Christianity did so under duress and fear, but continued to practice Judaism in secret, crypto-Jews!.

On the other hand, when the term anti-semite began to be used the entire picture changed because while in the past one could change their religion, they could not change their ethnicity or race!. As a result this left the door open for the Holocaust!. Jews were believed to be a pestilent race and as such must be destroyed!. If any person or country is overrun by a pest you need to call in the Orkin man!. Hitler was the Orkin man!.

A Jew is a Jew provided their mother is Jewish!. No, one does not have to be a practicing or a religious Jew to be a Jew!. There are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Hasisdic, agnostic and atheistic Jews because of the Abrahamic covenant!. When one has been born into a Jewish family you are considered to be a Jew whether you practice it or not!. It is difficult perhaps for a gentile to understand Judaism unless they take the time to study the religion!.

My interest was first stimulated to study and familiarize myself with the faith because my parents had Jewish friends and my mother worked at an accounting firm owned by Jews!. My knowledge of Judaism stems from extensive studies at the university as a history major with an emphasis on Jewish history!. Shalom!.


Because Jews are a minority !. Thus, in Germany they were only one percent of the population!. Because of prejudice, unusually persecution throughout, when they were given full citizenship, they assimilated and became very succesful!.!. Over 10,000 Jews lost their lives in World War One in The German Army, yet they were blamed for Germany losing the war,!.! My own father qwas wounded in the Battle of Verdun while a German soldier!. He receivef the Iron Cross, yet had he been caught by the Nazis ( my family and I survived in hiding in Belgium) , j he would have n been killed as two of my incle, German war veterans lost thier lives in the Holocaust, Try to explain that!. Try to explain why the Nazis killed million of jewish children some just infants! It is simply unexplainable that people would be so evil ! I am sure today there are still many in the world just as evil as you know!. Lately an example emerged in Austria were an Austrian father kept his daughter captive for many uyears , producing seven children!. That is the children are now his grandchildren and children!. Once caught, he blamed his monsterous deeds on being born under the Nazis!.!. All German s and Austrians then participated f directly or indirectly to those acts!. Never forget!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

allot of germans blamed the jews for them losing World War 1 because they would not lend Germany any more money to coninue the war!. Antisemitism has been around for hundreds of years!. Crusaders on their way to the Holy Land would loot anything of value and kill members of the jewish communities they came across!. And not only germans were Antisemitic, Britian, the United States and other countries refused to accept german jews trying to leave Germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a complex question with a lot of reasons!.

Many of the issues stem from the early middle ages and the relative affluence of the jewish community due to religious restrictions on moneylending in medieval christianity!.

Anti-semitism has been around a lot longer than the 20th century, for example there are traces of it in the bible!.

See specifically 1 thessalonians 2:13-2:16 in the new testamentWww@QuestionHome@Com

It had to do with the lack of rigorous thinking and reasoning by most poeple in Europe, who jumped to unjustified conclusions about Jews being the "cause" for many problems!.

It is easy to have entire ideologies have the appearanceof truth!. Objective and logical thinking is, unfortunately, more common than what is desirable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that the Jews were more successful and educated, which may have annoyed some!. (probably also the origin of the stereotype about Jewish people owning banks)!. also, they were blamed for some country's defeat in a war!. (I'm not sure which)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the Jews were perceived as controlling finance (owning many large European banks) and even after being in a country for generations they still maintained a separate society and ethnic identity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Christians called the jews Christ killers and persecuted them for centuries!.
Hitler was pushing at an open door!.Www@QuestionHome@Com