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Question: Ideas for U!.S!. history term paper!!?
1877 and before i have a few ideas but I want to see what other ideas there are!! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i had to do a position paper like that for my term paper!. i chose to do the disappearance of Roanoke island's colonists!. It wasn't exactly us history, but my teacher said it was fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't want to have too broad a topic--very difficult to write a good paper!. Here's a narrow topic with a lot of references--the admission of Nevada as a state in 1864!. it was during the Civil War--they not only got another state (the North), but also got all the silver from the Comstock Lode!. Interesting story, as the state didn't actually have the legal number of people to be a state!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The religious or quasi relgious colonization of the west - that can thake in the Amana colonies all the way up to the creation of the state of Utah!. New Glarus, WI was a swiss colony (though not particularly religious) - I think its an interesting event that lent to the growing of and the diversification of AmericaWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are so many choices:
Aaron Burr, hero or traitor!?
Who is at fault for the Donner Party!?
Why didn't the USA want Texas!?
Did the Missouri Compromise of 1820 really work!?
How popular was Pres!. Lincoln when he was elected!?
The Lincoln assassination conspiracy
Robert E Lee's big mistake: Picket's Charge
The massacre at North Anna: Grant's big mistake
The Underground Railroad: How many slaves did it take to freedom!?
How did Pres!. Jackson change the Presidency!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Civil War probably the best topic prior 1877 for U!.S!. History there's so much to talk about it, or you can also talk about slavery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Custer aand the chiuce to dismount his troops to fight!.
Was the Little Big Horn a mistake or badly informed!?Www@QuestionHome@Com