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Position:Home>History> What One Naval Vessel 'Killed' Most USA Hull Tonnage?

Question: What One Naval Vessel 'Killed' Most USA Hull Tonnage!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here is the answer to a similar question!. Who was the most effective U-Boat commander in terms of sinking most hull tonnage!.
I think your question would be difficult to answer!.
Lothar von Arnauld de la Perière Kapit?nleutnant (Crew 4/03)
195 ships sunk for a total of 466,459 GRT
2 warships sunk for a total of 2!.500 tons
4 ships damaged for a total of 22,591 GRT

Born: 18 Mar, 1886 Posen
Dead: 24 Feb, 1941 Air crash at Paris Le Bourget airport

Lothar von Arnauld de la Perière

U-boat Commands
U 35 13 Nov, 1915 - 16 Mar, 1918
U 139 18 May, 1918 - 11 Nov, 1918


At the end of 1915 SM U 35 was taken over by Kptlt!. Lothar von Arnauld de la Periere!. He was to become the most successful U-boat skipper of all time, a record which still stands!. During his war time career, he sank 194 ships totalling 454,000 tons, always strictly according to prize rules often with his boat's 88 mm deck gun!. His patrol performance was outstanding: in April/May 1916 he sank 23 ships, totaling 68,000 tons on a five week patrol and in July/August 1916 in four weeks he sank 54 ships, totaling 91,150 tons using only 4 torpedoes (one miss)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

U123 had 50 kills (including 6 damaged), the majority were not US (though 12 were), total tonnage 277,384!. I believe she was the most successful of the Atlantic based U-boats!.


Have to be one of the WWII subs-maybe the one that got the "Shinano" off Tokyo!? That was 60,000 tons in one hit!Www@QuestionHome@Com