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Position:Home>History> Who is the oldest documented person there is a photograph of?

Question: Who is the oldest documented person there is a photograph of!?
If a the camera came into exsistence in (let's say) 1830 and they took a picture of a person who was born in 1800, recorded their name, age, country, etc!.!.!.!. that person would at that time be the oldest recorded person there was a picture of; however if in 1850 they took a picture of a 90 year old person, birn in 1760, and recorded their age, name, country, etc!.!.!.!. that person would be the oldest person there is a picture of!.
Where can a copy of the photo be seen!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here's what I found:

World’s First Human Portrait

In 1839, Robert Cornelius, a Dutch chemist who immigrated to Philadelphia, took a daguerreotype portrait of himself outside of his family’s store and made history: he made the world’s first human photograph!

Here's the site: www!.neatorama!.com/2006/08/29/the-wonderf!.!.!. - 103k -

There are some who think that the "Shroud of Turin" is the first photographic image still in existence!.

Here's a site that shows photographs of really old people, born in the 1700s and photographed in the 1800s!.
Born 1749
Submitted by Anonymous Tipster on Wed, 04/23/2008 - 8:35pm!.

http://www!.historicamericanprints!.com/hi!.!.!. has a photograph of Conrad Heyer, born in 1749!. He died in 1856 (107 years old!) can you imagine!? A photograph of a man who knew people born in the 1600s!Www@QuestionHome@Com

He wants the oldest person in a picture, not the 1st ever picture taken, therefore, McCainWww@QuestionHome@Com