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Position:Home>History> What are the sins of the Jews to deserve the Holocaust fom the NAZIS?

Question: What are the sins of the Jews to deserve the Holocaust fom the NAZIS!?
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~Same as the Slavs, the Serbs, the Romani, the Communists, the physically and mentally handicapped, the homosexuals, the Jehovah's Witnesses and everyone else on the National Socialist hit list!. There 'sins' were much the same as the 'sins' of the Native Americans who were slaughtered by the US Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Spanish Conquistadors, or the Armenians by the Ottoman Turks, or the Cambodians by the Khmer Rouge, or the Sunni by the Shiites and the Shiites by the Sunni, or the Kurds by the Turks and by the Sunni, or the Serbs by Milosevic or the gypsies by Albania or the Tutsi in Rwanda or the present slaughter that is taking place in Darfur even as you read this!.

Why did the National Socialists pick on the Jews!. They didn't, at least not exclusively!. The Jews represent a minority of those who died of Nazi atrocities!. The Nazis knew they could get away with it and no one would particularly care!. They knew about the British treatment of Jews in the British Mandate of Palestine!. They knew of US immigration policies!. They knew of the discriminatory laws in France, The UK, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Poland, the USSR and most of the rest of Europe!. They knew of the SS St Louis!. They knew of the Evian conference!. They were pretty secure in their belief that they could act with impunity!. They also knew (as Churchill told FDR) that no one on the planet with the possible exception of the USSR could take them on in a war on the continent and hope to survive!. They did underestimate the Red Army!.

As to the concentration camps (a far different operation than the death camps) they got the idea from Martin Van Buren who opened the world's first such camps in the 1830s in Tennessee and Arkansas for the Cherokee and other such 'undesirables', and they got the name from the British, who had coined it in 1898 for the camps set up for the Boers in South Africa!. The Jewish Pale, the Spanish Inquisition, Magna Carte, the Crusades, Ancient Babylon and Egypt and Rome also gave them some insights!.

Actually, the preliminary plan was to relocate the Jews of Western Europe to Madagascar and those of Eastern Europe to the region around Lublin, Poland!. (The British had previously toyed with the idea of making Madagascar a Jewish homeland and Radamacher built off of their plans!.) Himmler said as late as May, 1940, that physical genocide was a "Bolshevik" approach and not the the German way of doing things!. When the Red Army turned back Barbarossa and then decided the outcome of the war at Stalingrad, Moscow, Kursk and Smolensk, relocation was out of the question!.

The death camps were only in operation from December 7, 1941 until the spring of '43!. Himmler, realizing the executions were wasting a needed source of slave labor, ordered them to cease operations!. The camps were shut down and partially dismantled!. Auschwitz II (Birkenau) continued to operate until mid-44!. Auschwitz II killed about 2 million souls!. Half of them were Jewish!.

Perhaps as many as 5 million people were murdered in the death camps!. With the exception of Auschwitz II and Jasenovac, Jews represented about 70% of the body count!. At Jasenovac, Jews comprised only about 15% of the victims!. Of the 12 to 18 million who died in the concentration camps, only about 3!.5 million were Jews!.

As long as we have religious, ethnic or racial differences and the bigotry that is inevitably bred by them, as long as we have nation states and national hubris, as long as we are driven by lust for money and property, the bodies will continue to pile up!. It is part and parcel of the human condition!.

So it goes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The sins of the Jews to deserve Holocaust from the NAZIS is because Hitler; leader of the NAZIS, said if you didn't have blond hair or blue eyes you would be punished!. This left Jews out because no one in Jewish history could have blond hair or blue eyes unless they were lucky enough to have one or even both of those characteristics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jews committed no sins to deserve the Holocaust!. How can anyone possibly believe that Jews "deserve" the Holocaust!. There were no sins, just racial prejudice against the Jews!. After World War 1, Germany was in an extremely bad state, socially and economically!. They were in debt up to their eyes, the people all over Germany were living in bad housing situations!. There were problems happening all over the place, so the German people did what we humans do best!. They found a scapegoat to blame all their troubles on, the Jews!. Remember that the Nazis thought Jews were inferior to them and that it was their fault that Germany was in such a bad state at the moment!. It wasn't any "sins" that the Jews did!. They were discriminated against just because they were a minority!. There were 9 million (or maybe more I might be wrong on that) people killed during the Holocaust!. The Nazis didn't just kill the Jews, they killed anyone who didn't go with their plan about the supreme "Aryan" race!. Homosexuals, mentally and physically challenged people, gypsies, and Jehovah's witnesses were examples of people that did not fit the Aryan category, so they were killed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what are the sins of dodo to deserve extinction!? nazis needed a scape goat, and jews made a convenient one, given anti-semitism in the german society in particular and europe in general!. history of anti-semitism is long and painful!. most of the jew-haters dont even know they are carrying on the imperial agenda of the roman empire, and that too for no purpose!Www@QuestionHome@Com

What a horrible question! Are you actually saying that the Jews DESERVED what happened to them!? Are you saying the Nazis were doing the work of God!? This is just such an ignorant thing to say!.!.!.I'm offended and insulted that you would even think this!. 17 members of my family were slaughtered during the Holocaust!.!.!.!.they did nothing to deserve it and neither did any other Jew!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Deserve has nothing to do with it!.

Along with murdered Jews there were gypsies, homosexuals, and other "undesirables' including two million Poles!. It was all for the Nazi's Darwinist thought that there are inferior and superior species, and therefore inferior and superior races!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Guess what, bad things happen to good people and vice versa!. To think otherwise is irrational and delusional!. Do the tectonic plates worry about who's good and who's bad as they crash into each other causing death and destruction!? Don't make me laugh!.

The belief in karma or other fairy tales is using CAVE MAN logic to explain life!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like a lot of other people in WW2 they suffered terribly and unjustly!.

The link below will point you towards information on the whole sorry mess of Christianity and Judaism!.


Failing to actually make up the Protocols of the Elders of Zion!. If they were a sinister bunch taking control of the world, we would be in far better condition than we are now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Their only sin, and it is absolutely not a sin at all, was being Jewish!. Hitler and his Nazi croonies were the sinners by condemming all Jews to death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evil does not fall only on the guilty, but hits the innocent as well!. Never believe someone "deserves" evil treatment!. Evil happens to everyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They were scapegoats for the failure of the German economy after WWI!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are either very young or have been taught some horrible theology!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They didn't commit anything!. The Nazi's are stupid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com