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Position:Home>History> Who were the Jews - in relation to the Holocaust ?

Question: Who were the Jews - in relation to the Holocaust !?
I am having a lot of trouble putting together a short explination about who the Jew's were and how they suffered under Nazi rule!. I know all the information and all but I am just having some trouble writing it out!.

Could I ask for some help!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Jews, in Germany during the 30's, were mostly intellectuals or business owners; they were succesful and educated!. In Vienna, for example, they were only 10% of the population but held most of the positions of power in the city!.

When the Nazis came to power, they began to target the Jews; boycotts of Jewish shops, burning of Jewish books, attacking Jewish people etc!.

Kristallnacht was probably the first major anti-Jewish action; in a single night nearly 100 Jews were killed, and tens of thousands were arrested!. Shops and homes were looted and destroyed, nearly 1000 synagogues were torched, marking the beginning of the end for the Jews!.

I read somewhere that during the invasion of Poland, the Nazis captured a town, forced the local Jews into the synagogue where they were forced to urinate everywhere!. Then, they were given holy objects from the synagogue and were forced to clean up the mess with these holy objects!.

In Nazi Germany, Jews were forced to sow a yellow star of David onto their sleeves to indicate that they were Jewish!. They also had to label this star with 'Juden', (Jew in German)!. Some Jews added "my pride" after it, and were severly punished!.

Severe restrictions were placed on Jews; even their travel was limited!. Many were forced to flee to other countries, but often they would be turned back!. Jews from countries allied to Germany would be deported to Germany, where they were used as a slave labour force!.

Jews were punished in a variety of ways; early on, they were shot in mass executions!. This was a strain on the soldiers who shot them, many of whom turned to alcohol!. The Nazis investigated new forms of mass murder, and developed gas vans!. In these vans, a pipe connected the exhaust port to the back of the van, which was airtight!. Jews would be put into the van, which would drive along until all the Jews were suffocated!.

Concentration camps were built to house Jews and other enemies of the Nazi regime; these prisoners could be made to do hard physical labour, such as repairing Allied bomb damage!.

Death camps were then set up, where all the unfit or sick Jews were killed within minutes of arriving at the camp!. They would be shaven, then forced into a 'shower' chamber!. There, instead of water, poisonous gas was sprayed into the room!. The Jews would then be cremated in giant ovens!. The fit would be sent to nearby factories or mines, where they would work till they dropped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jews originated in the Middle East but were dispersed during the Roman Empire after revolting against Roman rule!.
Many of them ended up in Europe where they refused to integrate with the local people because they thought they were a special race and their sky god would give them priveleges not available to other reaces
They were therefore easy targets when another group who thought they were a special race came to power in Europe, the Nazis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Jews are a religious group!. Germany was made up of many Jews and when Hiltler came to power, he decided he didn't like them!. So, he rounded them all up and killed most of them in death camps all over Germany!. The Holocaust also targeted gays, gypsies etc!.

Hope this helps!! Good Luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not exactly understanding your question, but if I understood it correctly, they where the unfortunate victims of an oppression of members of a brutal tyrannic Ruler (Hitler) and members of his PartyWww@QuestionHome@Com