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Position:Home>History> How do you make really authentic colonial costume?

Question: How do you make really authentic colonial costume!?
HELP! I Give tours at this place and I don't have a dress!? If we took some articles of clothing and sowed them together or something would it help!? I need it by tomorrow!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Google Williamsburg, Virginia and check out their site!.
Perhaps it will give you an idea of how best to use some of the things you already have at home!.

For an authentic Colonial costume, you would need a pattern, some material and a few notions (thread, buttons, etc!.)!.
McCall and Simplicity have Colonial costume patterns and they are sold at Wal-Mart!.

The Drama Department of a local school may have one you can borrow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com