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Position:Home>History> In detail, could you please explain Greek architecture and the influence it has

Question: In detail, could you please explain Greek architecture and the influence it has had on the world today!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The classic form of Greek architecture is the Greek columns, Ionic, Doric and Corinthians (you can find a lot more on the various styles anywhere)!. The buildings of Greece were noted for their large columns at the front of buildings, such as with the Parthenon in Athens!. These huge columns not only held up the room but also formed a magnificent entry way leading from the front into the building itself!.
I know this isn't much, but hopefully it will get you started in going the right direction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just look at any government building in the US, there is a very concious effort to model the architecture on monumental Greek works!. In large part it was to tie in our efforts at Democracy with the Athenian effort (plus they just look impressive)!.

The monumental architecture of ancient Greece has also influenced what we know of the ancient Greeks, the pediments and friezes still depicted on some temples revealed a great deal about their culture!. For one, they were incredibly ostentatious, the fine white we see today is only because the bright reds blues and yellows have faded away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com