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Position:Home>History> What was the difference between crusaders and the saracens?

Question: What was the difference between crusaders and the saracens!?
For history D;

Generally, what was the difference in appearance and the weapons of the Crusaders and the Saracens!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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The crusades took place over several hundreds of years, during which time fashions in armour and weapons changed considerably; furthermore, the Christians were at different times fighting Turks, Egyptians, Syrians, Arabs, Moors and others who wore varying amounts of armour and different styles of dress!.

In general, as you say, the Franks (Europeans) wore a mail coat or hauberk (commonly known as chain mail) over a padded linen coat known as a gambeson or aketon!. A surcoat of linen would go over the mail!. Various styles of helmet were worn and weapons would be spears (the most common), swords, bows, crossbows, axes and maces!. Shields were initially long and kite-shaped, later becoming the shorter "heater" style!.

The lower-ranking Paynim or Saracens wore little or no armour, while higher-ranking warriors wore mail coats or lamellar armour beneath flowing silk robes - giving the impression that no armour was worn!. Helmets or various kinds of turban were worn on the head!. Swords were initially straight, only later becoming the curved scimitar seen in films; shields were commonly circular or heart-shaped!. The epic film El Cid depicts Moorish warriors fairly realistically!.

Saracen armies were predominantly cavalry supported by infanytrymen; their horse archers were very effective in hit-and-run tactics!.

Christian armies were predominantly foot-soldiers supported by smaller numbers of mounted knights, who were particularly vulnerable to Saracen archers - the knights would often be preceded by a large force of infantry to protect them with their large shields!.

The Saracen bows were recurved and of composite construction (horn, wood, sinew and leather), while Frankish troops used a self-wood bow (made from a single piece of timber)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Crusaders were pillaging barbarians operating under the guise of religious liberation!. There was religious freedom for Chris tins, Jews, and others in Palestine with little trouble until the crusades!. The crusaders were into heavy metal armor and weapons and the Saracens were into light leather or wicker armor, fine steel weapons, and mobility!. Arab weapons were mostly made of steel and one particular variety, Damascus Steel, is still valued today!. Crusaders made use of men at arms wielding pikes, halibrands, spears, and maces to break up enemy formations!. Both sides used archers and slingers effectively!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you have the answer in the 13th worrior ;) the Crusaders were generally European knights with straight heavy swords in heavy armour or chainmail whereas the Saracens used semitars (bent light swords) and wore light breastplates or chainmail vests only (and were dark skinned) :pWww@QuestionHome@Com