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Position:Home>History> Women's fashion in the victorian era?

Question: Women's fashion in the victorian era!?
What clothes did women wear in the victorian era!?
What kind of makeup did they wear!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
During the Victorian era, the precise cut, material and color of a garment revealed the social class of the wearer!. Dresses were composed of several layers of different shades, cloths and trimmings, and intended to be worn with both under-dresses and over-dresses!. As for accessories of this era, the cameo became all the rage of the mid-19th century!. Cameos during the Victorian era were often attached to a black velvet ribbon and worn as a choker!.

As for cosmetics, face power, rouge and hair dyes were available and made use of, much less in the high societies as the lower classes!. Victorians tended to look down on cosmetics as unclean in their "fetish for cleanliness!." They didn't so much "change" their appearance as they did enhance it!. Dyes were used sparingly, and most often by older women to reatin their youthful appearance!. Rouges and face poweders were used sparingly, often after sickness to gain a healthy look, or in the colder months when even minimum exposure to the elements roughened the skin!. Beauty routines consisted of cold creams and lotions to enhance the radiance of the skin and soften its textures!. http://www!.fashion-era!.com/make_up!.htm#V!.!.!.

This question is REALLY broad, and way too difficult to answer in less than a dozen pages of text!. Hundreds of books have been written on this subject!.

The Victorian era lasted from 1837 to 1901 - fashions changed a lot during that time!. Dress length was long for the entire time!. - that's about the only thing that didn't really change!. Cotton was coming into vogue as the fabric of choice and it has remained on top since!.

Honestly, in 1837 women were just starting to wear corsets again, and by 1907 the corsets were two feet in length and designed to make you look swaybacked!. Fashion changed on a seasonal basis and experts can pin-point date a dress made in this period by it's design and construction technique to within 2 yrs!.

And then you have mourning wear, which is a whole different kettle of fish!. This was the special clothing you wore when someone in your family died!. It wasn't the style of the clothes then, it was the color, and how close a relationship you had with the deceased!. When Queen Victoria's husband died, she went into full mourning (ALL BLACK, wearing jewelry made from the "loved one's" hair, black veil over the face) for over 20 yrs!.

Sorry, but except to recommend that you google the subject, or go to Amazon!.com and check out the books available!. This question needs to be made more specific!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In Victorian times is was really only actresses who wore make up!. Women tried to keep their skin as pale as possible, hence parasols being fashionable!. Pale skin was a sign of wealth as it showed you didn’t have to work outside!. They did have some forms of rouge, but it was rarely used as overall make-up was frowned upon at this time in history!.

As the Victorian era was so long, the fashion varies througout!. Best to look at links like these for more info:



Wilkipedia is a great site for any and all info!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take a trip to the Victoria and Albert museum in London,or maybe contact them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Google it because no effence i dont think anyone here was alive in that time