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Position:Home>History> How come so many people deny that a controlled explosion blew up the WTC?

Question: How come so many people deny that a controlled explosion blew up the WTC!?
We all saw what the government wanted us to see: 19 so-called Islamic extremists hijacked several so-called commercial airliners and crashed them into the so-called World Trade Centers and caused them to do a so-called pancake collapse!. But what about the things the government didn't want us to know!. What did they not want us to know!? There was no way a single airliner could crash into a building and cause the WTC collapse like it did!. Then what caused the WTC to collapse!? The answer:72 gallons of Pepsi cola and 2 tons of Mentos per tower!. But if it was soda and candy, why wouldn't the government tell us what really happened!? Why would the Pepsi extremist waste the resources crashing airliners if it wouldn't work!? Why did President George W!. Bush say that behind the conspiracy theories is a cult of evil that wants to rule the world!?
Yep that's right!. The Pepsi-cola caused 9/11 not 19 hijackers from Pakistan(or Afghanistan which ever 'Stan they're from)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I thought you were serious at first but thats pretty funny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lmao wow! thats a good conspiracy theory!. I believe it ! Pepsi is the devil!. I gotta be honest I didnt read the whole question before I started to answer, you got me steamed at first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Damn conspiracies!Www@QuestionHome@Com

People are on denial all around!. They only believe Fox news!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

WOW!. you really want to get to the next level on this thing don't you!? Or you really hate pepsi!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok, you work for Coke then!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

B o l l o c k s, you sad p r i c k!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could have saved 5 points!. Oh well, at least I got 2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Pepsi Cola!?!?!?
are you sure!?!?!?!?!?
I thought they used Shweppes Tonic!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

We deny it because it's crap!. I sat through the nasty little video too!. Bush, et!. al!. doesn't have the brains of a cat - and to put a plot like this together is absolutely impossible!. I can see that certainly Bush completely ignored the terrorist threat (because Clinton had set up the anti-terrorist machinery), but that one of Bush's inlaws rigged the Trade Center with explosives!. No!.

And those tiny little "explosions" as the towers fall!? These are called "squibs"!? What completely nonsense that is - and they're so easy to explain on the basis of windows just being blown out by the collapse of the building!. Does anybody have any idea how hard it would have been to plant even one explosive in the Trade Center - not to mention hundreds of them!.

There are those people who are just paranoid!. No matter what the deal is - they've got to come up with some fantastic idiotic story to cover it!. All this stupid stuff just takes people's minds off of how crooked Li'l Bush really is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you seen the Internet Film, Loose Change!.
In May 2002, Dylan Avery began researching the 9/11 attacks and based on his research he concluded they were not a terrorist attack involving only members of al Qaeda, but that they were, rather, an attack orchestrated by members of the United States government!.
anti-establishment sceptics, to use polite terminology, deeply suspect and verging on the offensive!. A few of the families of the victims of 9/11 have said as much to the Loose Change crew, although Avery says many more have offered support!. But push aside any instinctive distrust there might be about what they are saying - we'll come back to that later - and consider for a moment its impact!.
The movement of 9/11 sceptics has had an astonishing success in sowing doubt across the US!. Recent polls suggest more than a third of Americans believe that either the official version of events never happened, or that US officials knew the attacks were imminent, but did nothing to stop them!.
The power of the film is that it lays down layer upon layer of seemingly rational analysis to end up with a conclusion many would find incredible!. It is compiled from original footage from numerous news sources, narrated in Dylan's mild, almost monotone voice, and backed by an soundtrack from DJ Skooly and others that induces a sense of the ominous!.

And so to the message!. The Twin Towers in New York didn't fall as a direct result of the planes hitting them and the fire that ensued; they were brought them down in a series of controlled explosions!. George Bush's brother, Marvin, sat on the board of a company that insured the towers!.

"I think what happened to the World Trade Centre was simple enough," Avery says in the film!. "It was brought down in a carefully planned controlled demolition!. It was a psychological attack on the American people and it was pulled off with military precision!."

Flight 77, which supposedly flew into the Pentagon, could not have flown at that speed without going into a tailspin!. There is no sign of any parts of an aeroplane in footage of the crash site, and the building looked as though it had been hit by a missile!. Meanwhile, Donald Rumsfeld was safe on the other side of the Pentagon!.

Flight 93, said to have come down in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, never did crash there!. Instead it landed in Cleveland airport shortly after the airport had been evacuated!. The emotive phone calls by the so-called passengers to their relatives before they "died" were staged!.

The three men have instant answers to any objections you can throw at them!. There may have been a lot of people involved - they think about 100 - but only a handful of those would have known the full plot!. As for Bush acting heinously, haven't leaders the world over proven themselves capable of monstrous acts!?
There are too many questions to 9/11, and not enough answers!.