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Question: Define history!?
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History is not the past, it is our attempt to UNDERSTAND the past!. History is about figuring out what was important in the past, and how events in the past brought us to where we are in the present!.

The most important question in history is not who or when, by why!. Why did people do what they did in the past!? Motivation is central to understanding history!. The first question is always: why did this happen!?

Because ultimately history is about choices!. History was not written in stone, or predestined!. At any given juncture, somebody made a decision -- and that decision affected the decisions of other people!. History is a chain of human interaction, in which ultimately everyone (maybe even everything) is connected!.

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By "prehistory" historians mean the recovery of knowledge of the past in an area where no written records exist, or where the writing of a culture is not understood!. By studying painting, drawings, carvings, and other artifacts, some information can be recovered even in the absence of a written record!. Since the 20th century, the study of prehistory is considered essential to avoid history's implicit exclusion of certain civilizations, such as those of Sub-Saharan Africa and pre-Columbian America!. Historians in the West have been criticized for focusing disproportionately on the Western world!.[9] In 1961, British historian E!. H!. Carr wrote:

The line of demarcation between prehistoric and historical times is crossed when people cease to live only in the present, and become consciously interested both in their past and in their future!. History begins with the handing down of tradition; and tradition means the carrying of the habits and lessons of the past into the future!. Records of the past begin to be kept for the benefit of future generations!.[10]

Such a definition would include within the scope of history peoples such as Australian Aboriginals and New Zealand Maori who, before contact with Europeans, already possessed a strong interest in the past and maintained oral records transmitted to succeeding generationsWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are two definitions
first: Your are History!. As in you are the end, You are finished!.
second: The history of World war two!. As in something that happened before!.
Check the English dictionary for further information!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The recounting of events past!.Www@QuestionHome@Com