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Position:Home>History> MILITARY HISTORY - Looking For Resources on Korean War?

Question: MILITARY HISTORY - Looking For Resources on Korean War!?
Specifically - The "push" out of the Pusan Peninsula!.

My Grandfather was part of that, but as many History show that describe the Korean War --

They will show the Troops being pushed DOWN to Pusan
And then they Jump forward in time to the Inchon Invasion!.

QUESTION -- I Would Like to Find Some Literature (or Resource) that "Focuses on the Push Out of Pusan" - and back to Seoul!. in coordination with Inchon!.

Any advice is appreciated!.

Thank you so much :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Korean War
An Oral History
Pusan to Chosin

Donald Knox


i think this may be what your looking for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

IDK is not appropriate answer cuz it's not really an answer to get two points, but have you though of asking a veteran to give you info and perspectives that research cannot provide!? I answered a question with a question!. I hope the Yahoo gods don't "get me" for this one!. But at least I'm trying to help and notice at the same time you are a lot smarter than I am!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com