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Position:Home>History> What were some important events about America?

Question: What were some important events about America!?
I have an american history project where you get a statement about America (The United States is!.!.!.) and then you have to defend that statement by finding as many examples (events) that prove your statement is true!. So, my statement is "The United States is a violent country!." If anyone knows any important events, please let me know and just say how it shows that America is violent!. I could use a nice start cause i have no idea where to start! thanks so much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ever since the first English settlers arrived in what is now the United States there has been violence!. In Jamestown, Virginia the colonists were greeted by peaceful natives!. The colonists then proceeded to start a war with them!. This was repeated in many otehr colonies!. We used the excuse that they were savages!. However, the cherokee adopted Western habits and dressed like us, built houses liked us, and generally became westernized!. However we sent them on the Trail of Tears which was a march from Georgia to Indian Territory (now known as oklahoma) in the middle of winter in freezing conditions!. Those unable to continue were left behind to die or shot, if they were considered worthy enough to waste a bullet on!. The War of 1812 was started over the British habit of pressing Americans into the British Navy!. There was the conquest of Florida by Andrew Jackson, who conquered Florida from Spain with no reason!.There was the War of Texan Independence, which was started because Americans settled in Mexican territory, but then the settlers rebelled and beat Mexico and formed the Republic of Texas, which later joined the USA!. There are too many wars for me to go into detail about them, but there was the Mexican War, The Indian Wars which forced almost all native american tribes onto reservations, The Civil War, World Wars 1 and 2, the Vietnam War, The Korean War, Gulf Wars 1 and 2, and the war in Afghanistan, and too many other instances of cruelty to be listed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In 1992 Dick N!. Tubals got fired from his job at the latex plant and went on a two week six state slapping spree!. I'm just kidding really you should research the D!.C!. Sniper a military man who loved his family and country until he went to desert storm and was accused of trying to kill members of his squad which lead to problems with his higher ups and ultimately the change that would lead him to go on a two state killing spree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Start with statistics!. For instance, did you know that the amount of jail/prison space is estimated by reading scores of 4th graders!? I'm not kidding!. People who aren't educated turn to crime/violence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the Vietnamese war ->they wanted to get young people to fight and extend the war into Cambodia
civil war, fighting over a ton of slaves -> can't the south just see what's right!?
same with the segregation, but that's not in the topic!.
That's all I can think of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com