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Position:Home>History> Names that go with Napoleon and Marie Antoinette?

Question: Names that go with Napoleon and Marie Antoinette!?
I have 5 kittens that need naming!. I already have names for two( Napoleon and Marie Antoinette), but I need names that sound good with that!. The ones that are left are 2 girls and a boy!. They are all FLUFFY kittens and kinda tabbyish!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
-Lafayette, the famous general!.
-Danton guillotined by Robespierre!
-Montebello (duchess of who was in charge of Napoleon's son education)
-Marie-Louise (second Napoleon's wife - archiduchess of Austria ->link with Marie-Antoinette)
-Gavroche (the famous parisian boy during the Revolution!.)
-Axel de Fersen or Fersen (Marie-Antoinette's lover)

I hope it will help you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, there is the obvious Josephine, and the far less obvious Charlotte (as in the Charolotte Corday who stabbed Marat)!.

For the revolutionaries I was always fond of St!. Just, though Danton is easier to pronounce!. If you want a harsher name there's plenty of Prussian and Austrian ones to choose from like Metternich or Clausewitz!. Then again, Horatio might be nice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's Louis or Louie as in the King, although "Robespierre" is my favorite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Madame LaFarge



TC - meaning "The Cat"Www@QuestionHome@Com