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Position:Home>History> Can poverty be good for a nation?

Question: Can poverty be good for a nation!?
Countries that hit hard times often rebound well -- the USA did after the Depression, kicking butt in WW2, Germany built a machine after WW1, Japan turned intself around after being nuked, Russia!.!.!. etc!.

I think poverty tends to toughen a nation up, no!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think poverty humbles people, perhaps nations, when it is allowed to and people make personal adjustments to the changeing times!. Living on a "high horse" only makes people arrogant, and for those ones, they are beyond hope of really understanding the "real world"!. To just see poverty, does not make a person understand it, to live poverty, you feel the effect, the pinch, and often times the pain!.!.!.You become less wasteful in life, all areas!.!.!.and for some that makes people stronger, and alot less haughty, and definately not so greedy!. "One is not truly satisfied, until they are satisfied with what they have!.!.!.not with what they want!." To be content, is a gift!.!.!.and not many possess it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, those countries did not experience real long term poverty, they were relative super powers, strong, wealthy and greedy!. Japan, one of the poor nations you mentioned had $25,300,000,000 in assets in 1945!.

Take a look at the least developed nations that have the highest levels of debt , starvation, homelessness, genocide, child mortality rates, rouge leaders within their governments, with no real relief in sight!. Some of the nation I can think of Rwanda, Ethiopia, Senegal, Malawi, Zambia, just to name a few!. And you ask is poverty good for a nation!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe you understand what has happened to each of these countries you speak of
You see once a value is in place with the paper dollar then you have just begun to have problems
and what is poverty!? do you mean based on wall street or international worth!. How damaging these selfish trade method have become for all over the world!.
Yet here's one to grow on
the dollar is almost worthless and the oil has replaced gold, money and diamond in worth!.
Deep isn't it and this was not even seen coming!
Poverty is based on goods and barter!. no poverty do not toughen them up but only spiritually!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think poverty kills a nation, but I do think everyone on a personal level would be better off if at some critical time in their young adulthood really experience poverty for a time!.!. I think it would provide some much needed perspective, if it happened to every single person in thier most self centered time of life!.!.that would strengthen a nation!. Honey we are really spoiled!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no because it leads to a higher crime rate, if poverty toughens a nation up then Africa should have the toughest countries in the world same thing with South America, Good leaders is what is neededWww@QuestionHome@Com

We are about to find out for sure, aren't we!. The oil company fat cats and our politicians will be on the french riveriera while we have to sell our souls for a tank of gas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, poverty is only good for the wealthyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think soWww@QuestionHome@Com

No!. I don't see how it could be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com