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Position:Home>History> 1830's time period details?

Question: 1830's time period details!?
The main characters in the story i'm writing are: a rich daughter of a factory owner and a poor factory girl!. They're both 13!. I need things like common words,clothing, appearances, what they did for fun, what they ate, ect!.!.!.!.!.
THank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Contrary to what the comment above says, there most certainly were factories in the 1830s, the Industrial Revolution was well under way by then!. In 'America's Women' Gail Collins writes:

'By the 1820s, New England was full of textile factories where virtually all the workers were women, each making $2 or $3 a week!. At first, they lived in paternalistic, company-owned boardinghouses, where they were barred from staying out late, and required to attend Sunday services!. the girls, who had probably expected to stay home or go into domestic service until they married, seemed pleased that they could make enough money to accumulate a trousseau, or help their families, or simply support themselves!. "Don't I feel independent!" wrote Anne Appleton to her sister!. "The thought that I am living on no one is a happy one indeed to me!." Harriet Hanson, who entered the mills at age ten, said she wanted "to earn money like the other little girls" and she may have been telling the truth!. Her mother ran a boardinghouse, and until little Harriet entered the factory, her job was to was the dishes for forty-five people, three times a day!.
Life in places like Lowell, Massachusetts, during the textile industry's earliest days sounded rather idyllic to outsiders!. In 1833, when President Jackson visited Lowell, he was greeted by mill girls who "walked in procession, like troops of liveried angels, clothed in white (with green-fringed parasols)" The girls contributed essays to a literary magazine, The Lowell Offering, and formed their own "improvement circles" in which they read and criticized each other's stories and poetry!. A third of the female workers went to night school, and some went on to become teachers, artists, librarians, and missionaries!.'

In the 1830s, I would think that going to dances would be popular with girls of both the upper and lower classes, though of course the upper-class girl would be going to grander affairs than the working-class girl!. it seems that young women of the prosperous classes had a great deal of social freedom at this time!. An Italian visitor to America wrote in astonishment:

'The unmarried woman!.!.!.!.is as free as a butterfly until marriage!. She travels alone, wanders about the streets of the city, carries on several chaste and public love affairs under the indifferent eyes of her parents, receives visits from persons who have not been presented to her family, and returns home from a dance at two o'clock in the morning accompanied by the young man with whom she has waltzed or polkaed exclusively all night!."Www@QuestionHome@Com


This site will help!. No factories until about 1880 or so!. You'll have to change your story if you want it to be about 1830!. Most of the country was still frontier at that time!. Andrew Jackson was President and he was chasing the indians out of their land and moving others into it to farm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The place you need to begin is Lowell Massachusetts, that's about the beginning of factories in the USA!. Before that, they really didn't have many, some shoe or mass market clothing, or cotton type things, but that's it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com