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Position:Home>History> What pranks, if any, were pulled in the 1830's?

Question: What pranks, if any, were pulled in the 1830's!?
It's for a story i'm writing!. Two 13 year old girls have to pull a prank on some one: What should it be!? It was origonally an old lady sitting on glue on a park bench but it doesn't seem all that realistic to me!. Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Dipping pigtails (little girl's hair) in ink wells

maybe putting honey or molasses on the park bench would be more realistic,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Glue on the bench is a boy prank!. Girls of that era wouldn't do it!. It's far more likely they would swipe someone's knitting or put a load of dirty laundry on top of the clean sheets someone is looking for or put salt in the sugar bowl!.

A really clever prank would involve matching some yarn and knitting up a long swath of knitting and substituting it for a barely started project!. On the second day, put back the original project!.
On the third day, put back the fake one and so on until the person catches on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Children didn't play pranks!. Especially on their elders!. They respected them!. If they did anything it was to their peers!. And that wasn't on a regular basis!. Children were seen and not heard back then!. They were too busy with chores to worry about pranks!. They might have put something in one of the other kids's galoshes!. They were left by the back door in the one room school houses that were mostly used back then, if they were lucky enough to have a school!. Or they might have gone to the swimming hole and stolen the boys' clothes while they were swimming!. But it would be more likely a couple of boys playing pranks, not the girls!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


ladies were ladies back then (apparently) - any prank to be believable would have to be quite tame by todays standardsWww@QuestionHome@Com