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Position:Home>History> Can someone tell me somethings about the Isralei/Egyptian war in the 60s?

Question: Can someone tell me somethings about the Isralei/Egyptian war in the 60s!?
I heard once they dont even talk about it at West Point because the Israleis should have never won, they were so outnumber ( like 6:1) but easily beat Egypt!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well I guess you mean the Six Day war in 1967!. Instead of me getting into details, look at all those links and find out all about it :)


In the first air strikes the Israelis used a special bomb that was dropped with a parachute that righted the bomb in the proper attitude, then a rocket assist drove the bombs into the tarmac or the Egyptian air fields in precise locations on the air strips which rendered the airfields and the Egyptian air force useless!.
Their tactics for tank battle also was innovative and allowed the Israelis to dominate the ground war especially since they controlled the air!.
The Egyptians were simply out thunk!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com