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Position:Home>History> Hitler - was he evil, or mad?

Question: Hitler - was he evil, or mad!?
Was Adolf Hitler just plain evil!? Or did he possibly have some sort of mental illness!. He was abused by his Father, and then he was in the army, he was gassed which blinded him temporarily in the army!. Does it add up to his mental instability!? Or just he HATED, Jews, and his policy of "Only the fittest survive"!?

Well-reasoned answers will be the ones I shall look at more closely and select a winner!.

My other questions may be of interest if you have read the book or seen the movie 'The Da Vinci Code'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
he was neither!.
in all honesty it is easy for us to say that was either mad and evil, the truth may be that he believed in somehting or wanted something so much that he was prepared to do the things he did to get it!. I'm not saying that what he did was valid or right, but to him it probably was!.
Everyone has the ability to become that person, it's just down to whether or not we allow ourselves to are or are forced to become that person!.
It's easy to put in Hitler into a group of his own saying that he was nothing like the rest of us, but he had to start from somewhere adn he probably started from where many of us have started!.
Yes he did terrible things and yes they were often undeserved in our eyes, but he was probably forced to become the person that he was by his life experiences!. Our life experiences shape who we are and what we will become, once Hitler was just like us, and lyk alot of people just lost himself along the way and became one of the most hated, and rightly so, despised people of modern times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that he was definitely and indisputably evil!. Whether he was mad or not is a moot point, he was psychopathic, megalomaniacal and at the end clearly delusional!. He obviously had very deep complexes about Slavs, Jews, homosexuals, the disabled and anyone else that he did not see as the embodiment of his pure Aryan master race!. It is perfectly possible to argue that the levels to which he took those resentments did show that he was clearly de-ranged, the fact of the matter is though that he managed to take the majority of the Germanic population along with him!. There is a nasty side of human nature just under the surface which he managed to bring out in to the open in millions of people!. In short, I believe that he started off evil and ended up mad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was neither evil nor mad!. Germany was rather unjustly punished as a nation for its role in WW1!. Yet it had offered peace treaties which involved returning to old borders prior to WW1!. At that time Germany had won territory!. Yet, Germany was punished heavily after it lost the war!. This created a resentful nation that wished for former glories!. Germany prior to WW1 was one of the most enlightened countries in the world: philosophy, music, art, architecture, science and so forth!. When a country is turned into a resentful nation a desire is created for a return to former glories!. Hitler had to appear good to a great many people to succeed!. So unless a large part of the German people were also evil and mad to accept him as the salvation of Germany, then I dont think he can be considered evil and mad either!. Consider if Germany had won WW2!. The allies would have been considered evil and mad for the relentless fire bombings of cities!. And Hitler would have been considered a hero and statues of him would be everywhere in europe!. The truth is never as simple as evil or mad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler was both!. He hated the Jews, gays gypsies, mentally ill and the handicapped!. Particularly the Jews because he thought they were the reason Germany was in such a state, and he blamed them for the death of Jesus!. The methods he used were definitely evil!. Mass murder & Genocide!.

He was infact mentally impaired too by the end of the war!. He has parkinsons disease and dementia!. He ordered the 6th army which was virtually wiped out or captured in Stalingrad, to attack the Soviet Unions Red Army when they invaded Berlin in 1945!.

He was both!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think he was just what we consider evil!.!.!.!.
He grew up in opressed Germany after WW1!.!.!.and he ended up taking it out on the people who still prospered at the time (jews)!. Mentally, he disguised the fact of all the morally abhorrent things he decided to do in creation of a "aryan nation" which he began to wholeheartedly believe in!.!.!.
Because of the dissillusioned germans around him being down and out as well, they grasped his ideas and backed it!.!.!.wanting to pull themselves and Germany back out of the mire they felt they were in!. By the time all the nasty little things were coming out of the woodwork, most decent Germans were too afraid to back out and sadly history was made with the near genocide of the jewish community in europe!.
I think if he was mentally unstable, he wouldn't have been able to pull it together enough to get such a large backing of the german people!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow you do not beat about the bush!!. Ok when I consider mr hitler I am prone to examine the personal motives that fuels violence and hatred!. As a kid growing up in 1970's Belfast I saw a lot of nasty acts!. Somehow I have always felt that the guys actually ordering the acts displayed a hidden sense of inferiority complex, by putting another in a state of submission this may have provided some sense of [false] power!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is obvious that Hitler was evil, but what a lot of people don't know is that he spent three years in trench warfare in World War 1, and many soldiers that spend that amount of time in the trenches did leave kind of messed up!. Part of the reason might have been because it is almost impossible to get sleep in the trenches, because of the constant bombing, and no femal contact!. I think that the trenches had a big reason why he went ******* crazy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't necessarily think he has to be either, all of the things he did, although terrible were within the boundaries of what humans have done before!. Let us not forget Stalin did worse and he was a Allie!. People often use terms like "evil" to make sense of what is essentially brutal human nature!. Hitler is often branded as a raving lunatic, mainly because of the films we see of him were propaganda from the time!. Its important to remember that he was a skill full politician and economist although power must have gone to his head, I don't think he could have been a raving madman, many at the time including our royal family found him charming and charismatic!. I'm certainly in no way justifying what he did, but to answer your question probably neither!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel he did have a mental illness, but he knew what he was doing was wrong, so he was "evil" as well!. The fact that he had so many of his own officers killed shows his irrationality!. He hated Jews more than he wanted to win any wars he started--his expulsion of Jewish scientists many knew to be a huge mistake!. Thank goodness for the US most of them including Einstein came here!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that he was mad and his madness turned him into the monster he became to many people!. He was not only cruel to the Jews!. He did not only have Jews in his camps!. Anyone who did not agree with his twisted ideals were punished the same!. A normal person could not have done the things that he did!. However the things that he did is considered to be evil in our society!. I did not read the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think he was either!.
He had very strong views, yeah, but who's to say that his views made him 'mad' or 'evil'!?
I respect him in a lot of ways (No, i'm not a Nazi)!. He was a strong man (mentally, as well as physically) who had the balls to go through with what he thought, and a lot of other German people though, was right!. He was a powerful leader who gave back Germany her former self and made the country powerful again!.

Just my opinion, don't bash it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont mean this in a bad way but he was a great leader 2 get that many people to do that horrible stuff to people !.!.!. i dont now that much about hitler but in my opinion what he did was wrong but not many people in these days could get that many people to follow then and do what he did to people

i hope this helps answer your question


he was mad, he had the totally wrong ideals about humans, and a perfect world!.!. but in the end he was just twisted i think

edit: i wonder what wouldve happened if he had been brought up in a jewish background!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think he was evil, driven mad by his greed for power and his ideas, being abused by his father and blinded for abit did not make him hate people it was just his hatred, and maybe the anger his father left him with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think he was possibly the most prejudiced person who ever lived, but I could be wrong!. Prejudice comes from ignorance, so either he was extremely ignorant or most definitely mentally ill!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he gained a warped sense of world idiology which was formed in no small part to his upbringing, his military career was relativley unimportant, but as WW2 rumbled on his mental health deteriorated and he became genuinly insaneWww@QuestionHome@Com

He was certainly evil, I'm not qualified to comment on his mental health!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Adolf was a mixture of the two!.

To use madness as an excuse for doing evil acts is shallow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He had to have been both!. !. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simply, he was a conqueror!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

almost certainly bothWww@QuestionHome@Com

There is a fine between madman and geniusWww@QuestionHome@Com

He was both!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Can't he be bothWww@QuestionHome@Com

i guess he was wronged so that made him madWww@QuestionHome@Com


He knew Jewish People in the army in WW1 and got on with them, and also in Vienna when he was having a hard time and sleeping rough!. He found them Agreeable and didnt seem to bear them any grudge!. A Girl that he was in love with and wrote Letters to and Fantasized about but never actually asked her out but skulked around following Her was Half Jewish with an Obvious Jewish Name!. This was in the very early Period around 1920 - 25, so what changed and made him so Bitter!.There was an incident where People who Dodged the Draft and avoided National Service in the Army were said to be Jewish!. The Doctor who Treated His Mother who had Cancer and was not able to Help Her was Jewish and Hitler was besotted with Her !. He was deeply upset at Her Death but did not seem to bear the Doctor any Grudge!. I suppose this Hatred built up over many Years partly due to the Prevalent Hatred of the Population of Austria and Germany to the Jews, and they became the Scapegoat for all the Things wrong with the Economy, the War that left Austria and Germany Destitute!. Another thing the Party Clique I think Egged Him on and encouraged him in his Madness, it suited them to basically Rob the Jewish People of their Possessions!. The Top Echelons of the Nazi's were Power Mad and Money Mad and also Wealthy Industrialists and most of the Rank and File were Brutal Thugs!.They all had this Vision of the Master Race and it Tied in with Hitlers own Mad Fantasies of His Great Destiny!.He was Mad and Evil and he just got Worse as time went on, but right from the very start He had it planned with the rest of the Nazi Hierarchy to Annihilate the Jewish Race and also anyone who was Weak or Feeble and Introduce a Master Race!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Adolph Hitler was sort of a Genius as he could plan and sort many problems other people backed off from!.

What was wrong is that his staff didn't take him seriously so A!.Hitler started to use extreme measures against people who didn't do thing according to his ideas!.

He was NOT the instigator of the extermination of the Jews!. Rudolph Hess and few others arranged that but when A!.Hitler found out, it was too late and to avoid losing face, he then went along with it!. In all his ranting speeches, when he said "Get rid of the Jews" he meant deportation for labour or expatriation but he never said Kill them!.

As for his madness, that came toward the end when Germany was under invasion from Russians and Americans!. He received conflicting reports of huge troupes available but his Generals where lying to him or hid the fact that their armies where taken prisoners or defeated, for fear of being executed by the SS!. Germany was shrinking , Hitler could not understand why with so many troupes he supposedly had and that turned him mad!.

All this is well documented and told in details but the stigma that he was an evil madman sticks even so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler was known to be a megalomaniac which translates from greek as 'great madman'!.

He would have become deluded by his own sense of greatness some time before he lead the 3rd reich!. Yes, his experiences of WW1!.!. mustard gas, shell shock etc!. may have triggered a reaction in his brain which provided him the vigourous drive and cold resolution neccessary to propel his ego and ideas to the top of German culture!.

He used Nietzsches concepts of 'superhuman' and 'will to power' attaching them to his own desire for domination of everything!. His cleverness was taking maximum advantage of the collective German feeling of resentment from being humiliated by the French after WW1 and the crashing of the German mark from 5!.21 marks to the dollar in 1918 to 4,200,000,000,000!.00 to the dollar in 1923!.

He was never detached from reality in the psychotic sense, not clinically insane and always aware!. He was relatively non-emotional except when becoming livid about anyone he saw as interfering with Germanys right to rule supreme!. In a vicious loop his snowballing success fed his ego until it tipped over the critical threshold and subsequent self destruction!.

Whether Hilter was evil depends who you ask!. Was he inherently or aboslutely evil!? I would say probably not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, Hitler was a mad genius!. Read Mein Kampf!. Hitler did not like or dislike Jews!. They were (sadly) a means to an end!. We look back at what the Nazi party lead by Hitler did to the Jews and the rest of Europe through the hazy lenses of historical reflection, shaded by the biases of the lessons we have learned!. Hitler as amoral!. His behavior and the behavior of those who surrounded him could be termed evil or good, just like us today!. There is no question that evil things were perpetrated by the Nazi party, but keep in mind they did nothing new!. They did not create any new level of attrocity!. By the time Hitler gained power in Germany, most of the attrocities he and the nazi party are credited with had already been perfected by other governments around the world and throughout history!. The Nazis only borrowed liberally what had already been done and added the twist of technology!.

Just a thought, if you read what Hitler himself wrote about the concentration camps when they were first opened, you will see yourself that he referred to them as "reservations," and even referrenced the use of the same by the United States in their search for a solution to the "Indian problem!."

We may not agree with what Hitler and the National Socialists did in Europe, but no one, NO ONE is in a position to judge them -- that is unless they are willing to look at both sides of the story with an objective eye!.

Judge not lest ye be!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com