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Position:Home>History> Anyone know a lot about the Vietnam War?

Question: Anyone know a lot about the Vietnam War!?
President Johnson refused to allow a full-scale attack on North Vietnam's main supply line because !.!.!.

A) such an attack would result in heavy American casualties
B) it passed through a territory of countries not involved in the war
C) he feared such an attack would bring the Soviet Union into the war
D) its route continually changed, making it hard to locate and destroy


Please help, I greatly appreciate it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
During the war, the main supply line from North to South was the Ho Chi Minh trail!. It was a continual target for American air attack, but that failed to stop its use because of D - its route continually changed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The answers D!. "Trail" is a misnomer; its was a multitude of roads in varying conditions, together with foot trails adjacent to some sections!. It was heavily defended with sophisticated Soviet radar-guided AA sites, together with some SAM batteries!. It was heavily camouflaged, had extensive supply depots, rest stops, truck parks, and extensive garrisons!.
There was also a gas pipeline sometimes in operation as Hanoi's main-force units became heavily engaged after 1968!.

It was attacked continuously, both by air and by direction of long-range recon units to locate supply points!. In the end, it was dirt and stone, with extensive manpower available to repair bomb damage resulting from attacks!.

Take a look at the tourist sites

well, it's definitely not A, because thousands of American troops died!.

B isn't right either, because the US bombed Cambodia, though it was neutral!.

C is probably not right either, because the Soviet Union and China were already sending supplies to Vietnam, though they weren't actually in the war

I'd say DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Since when does anyone have to know "a lot about the Vietnam War" to answer a multiple choice question!?!?

E) The war was an undeclared war - the invasion of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam was not an optionWww@QuestionHome@Com