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Question: WW2!?!.!.!.easy 10 points!?
What are three ways that D-day turned WW2 into the allies favor!? (easy 10 points)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would argue that by D-Day WW2 was already in the Allies' favor!. Axis forces had been kicked out of Africa!. In Italy, Allied forces had captured Rome and Mussolini had been overthrown by pro-Allied partisans, freed and re-established in North Italy by German forces!. On the Eastern front, following Stalingrad, the Germans were in full retreat and only held onto small areas of the Soviet Union by the time Allies landed on the beaches of Normandy!. Russian armies had started their push west, invading Romania!. In the Atlantic, the Allies built their carrier escort and destroyer fleet to sufficient numbers to largely end the threat of German submarine warfare!. The main German Navy had remained in port following the sinking of the Bismarck shortly after the war began!.

Even though the war was clearly in the Allies favor by D-Day, it does not mean that the landings were unimportant!. There remained about a year's worth of fighting, both on the Western and Eastern fronts, before Germany finally collapsed!.


1) established the Western front against Germany!. This forced a badly stretched German Army, which also had to maintain large forces in Yugoslavia against the Partisans and Norway to guard against an invasion there, to divert divisions from the Eastern Front to the Western Front, taking pressure off Russian forces!.

2) put the United States and Britain into a position where they threatened Germany directly!. Although the Italian campaign went well early, fighting had bogged down in the Italian Alps and resembled World War I trench fighting!. As much as Stalin wanted a second front to take pressure off his troops, U!.S!. and British political leaders were concerned about the possibility of Russian troops reaching Germany without the presence of American/English troops in Central Europe!.

3) There was the general uplift in morale now that the final push was on!. The outcome of the war had been decided by the time Allied forces landed on French beaches!. The landings, though, signaled that the end of the war was sooner rather than later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

General Rommel was celebrating his wifes birthday
Hitler was asleep
Handful of Germans were defending NormandyWww@QuestionHome@Com