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Position:Home>History> Why do people think all indians are the same? especially about us indo-aryans?

Question: Why do people think all indians are the same!? especially about us indo-aryans!?
North indians are indo-aryan and people think it is a myth well it isn't yeah okay fair enough some parts of south are hotter but that doesn't make your facial features change! south indians are dravidian and they are a different race it's really obvius to tell not all south indians but most of them tend to have curly hair , wider noses e!.t!.c!. , and down north people have sharper features usually eyes are either coloured or dark brown , i've seen a lot of questions on here of people abroad especially america that indus valley never happened and we are the same as dravidians when we are not basically north indians don't come from africans dravidians do
, type in hrithik roshan on google images and you will see a north indian man and how different he looks from a south indian , yeah and some north indians are dark but you can still tell they are north because of facial features , so think before you stereotype next timeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
People who aren't well traveled tend to lump others in easily identifiable groups!. India, China, Russia, Brazil, and even smaller countries have diverse groups that outsiders cannot appreciate until they visit those places!. As an American I was often stereotyped during my traveling days as being a cowboy or a loud-mouthed New Yorker by people in Germany, Italy, China, and even Canada!.

Rather than complain take some time to explain the differences, It worked for me for many years and made me many friends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm American and I've never seen the people of India as being uniform!. I spent some time in Tamil Nadu!.
The invasion of India by the Indo-Aryans is certainly plausible, but scholars continue to debate it, some insisting that it was more of an infiltration than an outright invasion!. People in North India do look different - the Sikhs especially!.
India is a completely fascinating place!.?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the Indians chose to call themseves Indians and their nation India when they became a nationstate in 1948!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Point taken!.Www@QuestionHome@Com