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Position:Home>History> What were the main factors fueling the European age of expansion?

Question: What were the main factors fueling the European age of expansion!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The industrialization occured and countries needed more resources so the decided to revive imperialism and make colonies of which they could profit and develop on!. This lead to many people leaving to work in the colonies, at that time england was still the biggest colonial power!. This developed new trading markets and employed hundreds of sailors and marines for both naval and merchant navys!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Two major factors !.!.!. first the increase in industrialization required both more raw materials and also markets for goods, and therefore colonization took place; and also, there was a growth in the number of people in Europe and there was a need for these people to go someplace, and to grow someplace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com