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Position:Home>History> What were the causes of the First World War and why did Canada become invovled?

Question: What were the causes of the First World War and why did Canada become invovled!?
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The problem started with the same Balkan countries that are creating trouble today!. Mutual hatred and distrust among these people that had lasted for centuries, and continues today!.

Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were appearing in public in a carriage!. Both were shot to death by a Serbian anarchist!. This was considered an act of war and started the ball rolling in a series of falling dominoe declarations of war!. Britain, France and all the other countries became involved due to interlocking treaties giving mutual military support!. Everyone chose up sides!.

Canada was a part of the British Commonwealth and along with other members of the Commonwealth declared war in support of the "mother" country!. This included such as Australiai, New Zealand, India, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Causes of the First World War!? The immediate cause was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by a Serbian national!. This led to a domino effect of allies declaring war on one another until almost the entire continent was at war!. On a larger level, the growing anxiety over German industrial and military might on the part of Britain, France, and Russia might have led those nations to be a bit hasty in declaring war!. Since Germany's unification and the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War, Germany was, arguably the single most powerful nation in Europe (possibly the world)!. It is entirely possible that the Triple Entente (Britain, France, and Russia) wanted to cut Germany down to size and declared war!.

Why did Canada become involved!? Because you were still part of the British Empire and rushed to the defense of your motherland (England)!. If you sallies had let us annex you, either in 1775 or 1812, you could have waited until 1917 to get involved!.!.!.but no, you crazy Canucks had to have it your way with your tea, crumpets, and Queen!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The technical reason was the assasination of Archduke Ferdinand, I believe in Sarajevo!. Canada became involved as part of the British Empire once Britain declared war on Germany after the invasiobn of BelgiumWww@QuestionHome@Com