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Position:Home>History> History questions 10 points best answer?

Question: History questions 10 points best answer!?
1!. One result of Prohibition during the 1920s was
an increase in alcoholism
a decline in dancing and socializing
the rise of organized crime
the creation of urban artistic colonies

2!. Which of the following was a long-term effect of Prohibition!?
the consumer economy
the growth of organized crime
an end to alcoholism in the United States
the rise of fundamentalism

3!. William Jennings Bryan took up the cause of fundamentalist Christians
at speakeasies in Chicago
on new buses to the suburbs
at the Scopes trial
in Hollywood studios

4!. Key features of Republican administrations of the 1920s included
expansionism and business regulation
isolationism and laissez-faire business policy
a buildup of armaments and armed forces
reduction of quotas and increased immigration

5!. Why did many Americans fear Vladimir I!. Lenin and his followers, the Bolsheviks!?
They promoted a system that was hostile to American values
They refused to pay back Russia's waWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. A
2!. B
3!. C
4!. B
5!. A

Checked Them All For You!.


rise of organized crime
rise of organized crime
at the Scopes trial
isolationalism and laissezfaire business policy
promoted a system that was hostile to American valuesWww@QuestionHome@Com

3)i dont know
4)i dont know

rise and growth of organized crime
scopes trialWww@QuestionHome@Com