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Position:Home>History> Do you think the United States falling in the footsteps of ancient Rome?

Question: Do you think the United States falling in the footsteps of ancient Rome!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are some startling similarities, and some reassuring differences!.

For one, America's system of checks and balances is vastly superior to the Romans!. In America, we divide the powers of government into Judicial, Executive, and legislative branches!. In Rome, all of the power were in the hands of the senate, which is why power became increasingly focused in the hands of a few influential families and notable men!.

Rome also found that poor trading policies resulted in mass civil unrest!. Rather than deal with the problem, they resorted to welfare programs and city games!. Very similar programs to the ones America uses!.

Rome had slavery, a source of major economic woes!. Americans emanicipated their slaves!.

Rome debased its currency!. So does America!.

As you can see, there are parallels, but it is by no means absolute!.

also in response to someone who said that Rome became more decadent over time, actually the opposite is true, Rome became more pious over time!. Christianity became the state religion; atheism and paganism became offenses punishable by death!. Crosses and other Christian icons adorned every state building!. Homosexuals, adulterers and philanderers were burnt at the stake!. Great centers of learning like the Academy, the Lyceum, and the Great Library of Alexandria, were burnt to the ground as they were accused of being un-Christian!. Public baths were outlawed as they viewed them as sinful dens because people were nude in each other's presence!. Statues were demolished by Christian vandals because of their nudity!. Now Christians loved the gladiator games, but those were banned too because of their pagan origins!. Contrary to popular belief that Rome was this decadent city, whatever it was as a Republic certainly didn't cause its downfall, because Rome became vastly more conservatively religious as late antiquity drug on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Abraham Lincoln had it right when he observed that all the armies of the world could not by force subdue the United States, nor "by force take a drink from the Ohio in the space of a thousand years!."

"If destruction be our lot, we ourselves must be the author and originator!. As a nation of free men we will live forever, or die by suicide!."

This may not be the exact quote, but it gets the message across!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You mean following!?

No!. America unlike Rome is a democratic Republic!. Rome was just a Republic, then an Empire!. America's checks and balances stop that from happening!.

If Anything, America resembles the Spanish Empire, which rose and fell from power in the space of 200 years!. From 1492 to the end of the Dutch War of Independance!. Too many wars drained its treasury and its persecution of Muslims, Jews and others allowed it to stagnate and decay as it became more religious and closed to free tradeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely!. Of course there is some differences, based on their periods in history, but we are becoming politically corrupt, our economy is declining, our military is stretched way too thin for all things it must do!. Our moral compass has gone haywire and people are becoming more and more apathetic!. However, don't take this as we are going to go the same path!. We have a choice!. And I have faith in my fellow Americans, especially because I have seen them give more than they had to help another!. I don't believe we are doomed!. But I do believe we must turn onto a different road if we are to survive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, we are entirely something different!. We are different from every other world power that came ahead and fell!.

When we fall, it won't because of our own doing, it will be a world event that will push us down, and another country will step up and rise faster!.

This has happened to every world power except for a few that caved in out itself I!.E!. The Macedonian Empire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lot of people think so!. But, you must remember that the US is a little over 200 years old, and the decline of the Roman Empire took hundreds of years!. None of us will live to see the US "fall" as Rome did, I assure you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think so!. in ancient rome societal values deteriorated just before its fallWww@QuestionHome@Com
