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Position:Home>History> What were teh major constitutional and social changes in teh U.S between 1860 -1

Question: What were teh major constitutional and social changes in teh U!.S between 1860 -1877!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Abolishment of slavery 13th Amendment
2!. Secession
3!. Enlisting of slave people in army
4!. Some women began acting as the caretakers/spies even thoug men were reluctant at first
5!. Draft law - 18 to 35 have to serve army
6!. Reconstructing the South including the proposed 10 percent plan by Lincoln
7!. Wade-Davis Bill
8!.Some states passed the black codes
9!. As Reconstruction ended, African Americans realized that their dream of true freedom is not yet in their grasps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
