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Position:Home>History> When man started to learn 'History'?

Question: When man started to learn 'History'!?
When man started to collect and learn / study information about history, like it happens in these days with evidences!. I mean to ask, we nowdays show a lot of interest in knowing what happend in the past!. But did man in olden days show this kind of interest towards the history!? When, do you think this habit started!? Were men (centuries ago) 'just live for today' kind OR they were also thinking about past!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The myths and legends that were spread orally reveal that man has largely been interested in the past for much longer than recorded history!. The recording of written history, obviously, began with the development of writing!. This happened at different periods for different cultures!. No matter when a specific culture's recorded history began, I can't think of one that did not have a well developed tradition of oral history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"History" began as stories around the camp fire!. In ancient times history, myth and religion were not separated!. That is what the bible, The Iliad, The Odessay, and the Arthurian legends are!. A mix of history myth and religion!.
It was not until recent time that history became a separate discipline and that "facts" were considered necessary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know that we learned about history from a long long times ago, a lot might be myths passed down by word but when we didn't have such a thing as pen and paper, the only thing we could do was to tell stories and "teach" people of what has happened in the previous yearsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would say we are losing our past at a more rapid rate than ever before!. We used to have respect for years gone by but now that doesn't seem to be the case!. We certainly make a lot of mistakes that we should know better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com