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Position:Home>History> What is the social impact of photography, and how did it effect painting?

Question: What is the social impact of photography, and how did it effect painting!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As photography became relatively easier and more techniques developed (get it-"developed"!) photography became more popular!.
Particularly in the area of portrait art, where a subject might have to pose for days and pay a relatively high rate to a painter!. More people started going to the portrait photographer which was cheaper and the subject only had to sit in their Sunday best for a few minutes!.
Lastly, when photographic techniques eventually could portray reality with close to the clarity that artists could, artists started branching out into areas the camera couldn't go!. Styles of art that focused on the way we perceive, symbolism, or more abstract art began to spring up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

actually it was considered a joke by people who appreciated art but as photography grew in popularity and in ease of using and developing the pictures!. art began to fall by the wayside!. thats when the artists started to try new things new angles and styles now art is totally different from photography but photography is catching up again since a computer and photo shop can do a lot of the manupulations that were developed by the artists!. post cards were also used as pictures until portable camera came along and quick development!.Www@QuestionHome@Com