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Position:Home>History> PLEASE HELP( can u tell me anything important that happened in the the 1900'

Question: PLEASE HELP( can u tell me anything important that happened in the the 1900's-1999!.!.!.!.!.[10 points ]!?
well i need that for homework like any important events or it can be creative also like tv shows songs movies anything that people still remember i know its alot alot alot of stuff and history between 1900-1999 but i need some extra help thankz!!! :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
wall street crash 1929
world war two 1939
Soviet Russia introduced collectivisation 1929
falklands 1983
Sputnik 1957
moon landing 1969
Kristallnacht 1938
pluto discovered 1930 (Pluto unclassified as planet 2006)
martin luther king murdered 1968
Emmeline wilding davidson threw herself under kings horse at derby 1913Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh my gosh, I know the perfect thing for you!. Billy Joel sang this song called "We didn't start the fire" where he just lists off important events and people from the 1900's!.

it starts--

Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnny Ray, South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe Dimmagio!.

So you see it has a president, a war area, a singer, a baseball star among others!. In my 10th grade history class we had to take one verse and look up what each one means!. I think if you do this, you can play the song for your class and easily get an A!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some big songs that wowed society were Michael Jacksons Thriller, Madonnas Like a Virgin (for obvious reasons)!. Big events were the space shuttle exploding or the gas shortages in the 70s!. Prohibition, JFK being shot, TV sow American Bandstand, The Brady Bunch!. Those are thing you can look into that wont bore you and that also had a big impact on America!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not much!.!.!.lets see, two world wars, the creation of the united nations, the creation of nuclear weapons, the creation of the Internet, the moon landing, a space station, the creation of television, the creation of hundreds of nations, the destruciton of the ottoman empire, the destruction of the austrio-hungarian empire, the holocaust!. IS that enough for you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bad Things: World War I, World War II, The Holocaust, The Cold War, AIDS, development of nuclear weapons, Communism, Socialism

Good Things:
Electricity, television, telephones, cars, satellites, computers, airplanes, humans walking on the moon, vaccine against polio, antibiotics, Capitalism, desegregation,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read an Almanac!.

Oh -- and I assume that you were born AND a lot is two words: a lot, not alot!. We who went to school in those dark ages were taught and forced to LEARN these things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This little thing called World War II!. That was pretty important!. I'd say #2 to Michael Jackson's Thriller video!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The depression in the 1930'sWww@QuestionHome@Com