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Position:Home>History> I just watched a DVD of Thomas Jefferson. What do you think is the most interest

Question: I just watched a DVD of Thomas Jefferson!. What do you think is the most interesting thing about him!?
I would LOVE to be that dedicated and disciplined to learning, as he was!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
How in his journal entries, he was so well read and educated that he truely had the most amazing forethought!. He knew exactly what was wrong and he knew exactly what could be fixed and what was beyond his time to accomplish!. He knew slavery was wrong, he also knew he couldn't change it, not in his time, he understood his times so well, he actually acomplished a great deal of things!.

He is one of the people in history I look up to!. I found myself on a personal quest to read and understand as much as humanly possible because of him!.

"I can not live without books" ---> Thomas JeffersonWww@QuestionHome@Com

It took us 200 years to figure out that he had descendants that he didn't acknowledge!.

Palladian Architectures are in USWww@QuestionHome@Com