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Position:Home>History> How did war affect farming in ancient japan?

Question: How did war affect farming in ancient japan!?
how did war affect farming in ancient japan!?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most feudal societies operated under the same basic paradox, peasants despite providing the food for daimyo's and samurai were looked upon with disdain and contempt!.

As such daimyo had no problem with excessive taxation on the peasantry in times of war, confucian ideals stated that lords needed to benevolently care for their subjects (in a paternal sort of way) but in large domains the need for taxes (which were largely in the form of rice) outweighed the ideals!.

Warriors would expect food from any peasant they ran across and failure to provide it simply wasn't an option!. Still, by and large the samurai were generally more diciplined then their European counterparts, but could and did act out against the peasantry if the mood struck them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com