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Position:Home>History> Why was the North anti-slavery during the American Civil War era?

Question: Why was the North anti-slavery during the American Civil War era!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
North was Industry
South was Aggriculture

North didnt need slaves
South needed slaves

North & South were as racist against blacks but the North had moved on into the industrial and wanted to move the country into a more civilized society meaning slavery was a mojor factor to eliminate but the main idea was that they were to outlaw slavery then send all of the black people to another place either Africa or somewhere else but it never happened as it would cost alot of money so they left black people to fend for themselves as second class citizensWww@QuestionHome@Com

The north wasn't really anti-slavery!. In many ways, the north was more segregated and "racist" than the south!. In the south, white and black children were often raised together, and there was more interaction in general!. All that aside, the majority of the north was indifferent to slavery, and many states actually passed legislation forbidding blacks from moving to the state!. Most northern states also enforced the fugitive slave act!. In short, while the North, as a whole, didn't practice slavery, they were generally indifferent to it, as it just wasn't a part of their daily life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

probaby because there were no large plantations up north, slavery had never been a part of their lives, and so they rejected it!. But that wasn't what the Civil War was about - the Civil War was to prevent the breakup of the states - the south wanted to become an independent confederacy, and the north wanted to retain the union!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the north wasn't exactly anti-slavery!. The south needed slaves for their industry [cotton picking and such] and the north had their own industries that didn't depend on slave work!. In other words the southern economy was dependent on slavery and the north was not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com