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Position:Home>History> What were the different objectives of the French, Spanish and English in their s

Question: What were the different objectives of the French, Spanish and English in their settlement of the New World!?
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All three tried to convert the indigenous peoples to Christianity, but that is not what you asked for!. You asked for the differences!.

The English were the most successful!. The reason is simple, they were looking to colonize the New World with farmers and the like!. The English wanted the colonists to grow crops and develop the land!. As the colonies grew in wealth, so then would England!.

The French were mostly trappers and traders!. They built some forts and trading villages, but they were mostly interested in furs!. That was their plan to get rich off of the New World!.

The Spanish were basically looking for gold!. They set about to conquer the natives and put them to work in mines, then later on plantations!.

So all three were trying to get rich!. The English were more successful, because they were able to grow a middle class!. The French didn't let a lot of their citizens go to the New World, therefore they did not grow as fast!. They did not build communities!. The Spanish sent their rich people to run the mines and/or the plantations!. Since they used lots of natives, again, they didn't grow as fast as the English colonies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

During the 1400's ,the European nations were all at war with each other!. They had either religious or political agendas,but at the base for exploring new lands was to gain wealth !. You had all these armies of soldiers who had to be paid one way or another!. You had each nation promising their navies wealth once they conquered new lands
With the discovery of tobacco and cotton along with vast parcels of land, The British and French fared very well!. When the Spanish discovered the existance of the Aztec and Mayan,and Incan cultures,they noticed that these civilizations didn't place a value on gold or silver the way they did!. These metals were simply used to make pretty things like jewelry or ornaments to simply be worn with their clothing!.
The Spanish brought back back so much confiscated gold and silver,they ended up causing a recession all over Europe and almost plunged it into a Depression that could have had a devastating effect on history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The French never intended to "settle," according to the book, "Century of Conflict!." http://www!.questia!.com/PM!.qst!?a=o&d=6119!.!.!. They only wanted to keep the entire continent from being claimed by anyone else because they wanted the natural resources, beginning with the furs!.

So for 100 years they fought with the colonists both British and Dutch (New York) to try to drive them out!. But the colonists were here to settle and would not be driven back!. To settle was the objective of the British and Dutch!.

The Spaniards wanted gold, and the conquest of the southern hemisphere for the glory of expanding their political influences over other peoples--an effect of the politics of the Spanish Inquisition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Spain: Gold, God's Glory, and Territory

England: Gold, Territory, and God's Glory

France: Gold, God's Glory

God's Glory aka Converting the indigenous population!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the Objectives were very similar, trying to gain as much wealth as possible from the countries they colonised!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Spain= land, missions, gold
France=furs, wealth(not necessarily gold)
England= colonization, freedom (for some) and territory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com