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Position:Home>History> Where can i find these famous photos???

Question: Where can i find these famous photos!?!?!?
When i was in my 9th grade worldhistory class, my teacher used to show us lots of pictures!.!.!.

i really liked some of them!.!.!. there was one of a man who stood up to oppressio by standing in front of a tank rolling through his city (that one may have beena video!.!.!.

the other (which i really want) is a photo of hippies putting flowers down the barrels of soldiers' guns to protest the vietnam war!.!.!.

if anyone could provide me with internet links to these photos (or a site where i oculd likely find them) would be much appreciated, and get 10 points!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Tank man

Hippy's flowers in soldier's gun

Search Tank Man or Unknown Rebel and Flower Gun on either

