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Position:Home>History> What was the Zimmerman? What did it mean? And how did it effect WW1?

Question: What was the Zimmerman!? What did it mean!? And how did it effect WW1!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Zimmerman was a telegram sent from Germany (after it had signed the Treaty of Versailles) to Mexico (a neutral country) in 1917!. The telegram was sent by Arthur von Zimmerman, a German Foreign Secretary!.

It had two proposals, one that Mexico should ally with Germany (against the US) and two, in return Mexico would receive Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico!. The problem was that the telegram was intercepted by the British who alerted the US!. It affected WW1 because then the US declared war on Germany in April 1917!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Zimmerman note was a note that the British (supposedly) intercepted from the Germans, who were trying to convince the Mexicans to join the war, in an effort to attack the United States!. As a result, the US entered the war!.

It's widely believed that the British created the note to convince the US to join the war!. And it worked!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Zimmermann note was a proposed alliance to with Mexico, from Germany, In an attempt to keep The USA neutral!.
The telegram was a small push towards WWI, and wouldn't have been enough to result in involvement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com